True and Snakey Love

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Crowley had been in the greenhouse all day, he had been repotting some plants, the ones that had been getting to big for their current pots when he noticed it. Crowley looked down at his hand to see the skin starting to peel.

"Not now" he whispered to himself


'shit' Crowley hadn't heard the door open nor the angel step inside and so Crowley shoved his hand into his pocket and turned to face the angel.

"Hey angel, everything alright?"

"I am but your hiding something"

"I am not" retorted the demon 

"Then show me your hand"


Aziraphale walked up to Crowley and put one hand on the demons cheek and the other over his heart.

"Please dear, you know you can tell me anything"

"It really is nothing" said Crowley as he took his hand out of his pocket and showed Aziraphale his hand.

"I see, a tough week ahead then" said the angel who took his hand and saw what he was trying to hide.

"Yeah" grumbled Crowley "I'll be fine"

"Perhaps but I know its painful and so I will not leave you"

Crowley woke up the next day in unimaginable pain. He lay in bed squirming about and getting tangled in his sheets. Aziraphale was nowhere to be found, which wasn't exactly unusual as he didn't sleep but he did often cuddle the demon at night ever since he revealed that having the angels arms around him whilst sleeping made him feel safe. 

He wasn't there, Crowley couldn't feel his angel and so he started getting worked up. The angel hadn't stayed because he knew that Crowley generally didn't like to be touched when shedding but Crowley wanted him now more than he ever did.

"Angel" mumbled the demon

Aziraphale still was nowhere to be found and Crowley was still writhing amongst his sheets. The pain was getting worse and all he wanted was to see Aziraphale's face.

"Angel please" he mumbled again

Aziraphale came into the room to check on the demon when he saw him writhing about and practically ran over to the bed and knelt beside him.

"I'm here Crowley, I'm here"

"Make it stop Angel please it hurts"

"I know my love but there's nothing I can do"

"Please angel make it stop" whined Crowley who was getting more and more worked up with pain.

"I have an idea just hold on for a minute okay?"

Crowley nodded and the angel left the room. Minutes later he came back in, he had discarded his jumper, waistcoat and bowtie, he had also rolled up his sleeves. 

He walked over to the bed and asked "I imagine you'll have trouble walking so I'm going to pick you up okay?"

Crowley nodded again as the angel picked him up, Crowley wrapped his arms around the angel's shoulders and snuggled his face into his neck. Aziraphale took Crowley through to the bathroom, specifically the bathroom which had a bathtub full with hot water and so Aziraphale wriggled one of his hands free and snapped his fingers miracling away the demons clothes.

Aziraphale placed Crowley into the water and the pain that was so clearly on the demon face vanished.

"Better dearest?"

"Loads, thank you"

"Of course dear, is there anything else you need?"

"Just you" said Crowley who leaned his head on the edge of the tub closest to the angel

Aziraphale smiled and sat on the floor next to the tub and said "I'm not going anywhere" Aziraphale began to run his hands through the demons hair as he fell asleep.

Hours later and Crowley had fallen so completely asleep still with Aziraphale's hands running through his hair.

"That feels nice" said the demon who had woken up but was still groggy.

"Good I'm glad, did you enjoy your nap?"

"How long was I asleep?"

"About two hours"

Crowley scrunched up his face and sighed "Why won't it stop?"

Aziraphale wanted so badly to make his husbands pain stop but there was little he could do as it was a part of Crowley's natural Demon/Snake biology.

"I wish there was more I could do"

Crowley was about to reply when the pain struck again and he arched his back and began to grimace and grumble, he wouldn't scream, the pain wasn't that bad. Aziraphale rubbed his thumb over Crowley's knuckles as the pain worked its way through him.

"Hold fast my dear, I've got you"

"Angel...." Whimpered Crowley

Aziraphale couldn't stand it anymore and miracled off his clothes getting in the water behind Crowley. He put one arm around his waist and the other across his chest and placed his hand on the demons shoulder.

"I've got you"

"Make it stop"

"I can't my dear, I'm sorry, please be strong" said the angel before kissing the demons cheek.

It was a while before the pain stopped, Crowley slumped against the angel and fell asleep once again only to wake again the next day.

When Crowley woke again the sun and fallen and risen, a brand new day and Crowley was still in pain, only now he was blind and in pain.

Only two good things that Crowley could focus on right now, the angel's arms still around him and the water which was just as hot as it was when he got in.

"Sleep well my dear?"

"Better than I have in months, thanks for staying"

"Of course my love, the blindness has set in?"

"Yeah, I'll be back to normal tomorrow"

"Good I'm glad, I hate seeing you in pain"

Crowley snuggled closer to the angel (if that were possible) and got as comfortable as he possibly could.

"Can we stay here?"

"Of course, whatever you want"

"Only thing I ever wanted was you"

"Then it seems we have both wanted the same thing then" said the angel who kissed the demons cheek.

"Then it seems we have both wanted the same thing then" said the angel who kissed the demons cheek

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