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As an investigator Aziraphale had been hired to investigate a monastery outside of Newcastle, there had been reports of a 'monster' if you believe that of course.

The angel walked into the building and instantly felt that the ground it stood on was no longer blessed.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" called out the angel

The roof of the building had holes in it and they were quite big as if something had purposely made said holes. Unknown to him a being was watching him from the shadows.

"Must be abandoned" said the angel to himself as he made his way down to the basement which held a maze of caverns.

It was a while before Aziraphale found what looked like a private study, there were bookshelves full of books on the occult and supernatural. Aziraphale picked up and read a letter that was on one of the desks.

It will kill us, its just a matter of time. I pray that god will save us but I fear that my prayers are in vain. We summoned this creature, we cursed it and set it loose on the world and now this demon will destroy the great creation, we have failed him. I hope our deaths are quick and merciful. May god save us.

"They summoned a demon? Why would priests do that?"

The Angels attention was taken when there was movement from behind him, he turned ready to destroy whatever creature still lingered in the basement.

But the angel came face to face with a giant, black, snake like creature with six arms and a red mane that stretched its entire body. The creatures head was mere centimetres from the angels face but it didn't attack him.

"Why aren't you attacking me?" he asked tilting his head ever so slightly

The creature didn't dare move an inch afraid that this visitor would hurt him. He hoped he could help, after all he considered this angel a sign, of course the only angel they sent would be his only friend.

The creature nudged the angel slightly and then turned to make its way out the door but looked back at the angel as if asking him to follow.

Of course he knew the angel would do just that, he followed the creature through the hallways and into a large room. In the middle, on the ground was a summoning circle. The angel walked right up to and knelt down to read the symbols.

"This is a demon specific circle" he said looking up to the creature.

The creature moved to the opposite side of the circle and pointed one of its claws at the part of the wording which held its name. Aziraphale walked round the circle and looked down to read the markings, which were in the language of the demons.

"I'm afraid I can't read Lilium"

The creature roared in frustration and began to walk in a circle which led to its tail knocking into one of the pillars and crumbling it. The debris would have crushed the angel if the creature hadn't covered him with its head as the angel covered his head to protect himself.

"You protected me, why?" asked the angel who stood up looking at the creature who was staring at him intently.

Its me angel, help me

The creature's head shot up when he heard voices with his enhanced senses, the creature began to growl.

Who did you bring with you angel?

"What is it?" he asked the creature

"Ah good you found it, now we can destroy it"

Aziraphale looked towards the door to see eight men all with a variety of weapons in hand.

"Who are you?"

"We hoped it would kill you and we would track it from your gut trail but alas disappointment, Now I suggest you leave before things get....gruesome"

The creature was still growling at the men but now put one of its hands in front of the angel as if to protect him. Of course Aziraphale was quite confused as to why the creature was trying to protect him. 

"You don't have to kill it, just break the curse" explained the angel

"We would except the only way to do that is to say its true name which nobody knows"

The creature roared once again but this time charged the men with intent to kill them. As the creature charged them the men realised they were hopelessly outmatched and they ran away. The creature considered going after them and killing them for even insinuating that he would harm his angel but he knew that would look bad to Aziraphale.

So the creature turned around and back towards the angel who stood dumbfounded.

"Thank you" he said placing his hand on the creatures snout as it closed its eyes.

Anything for you angel

"Now if only I knew your name, I could break this curse of yours"

The creature's eyes went wide and he nudged the angel before he walked past him and towards the wall at the back of the room where the creature had drawn a picture in the stone. The picture consisted of a weird symbol carved, roughly, into the stone.

The creature lowered its head to be level with the angel, he looked at the angel with a certain look

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The creature lowered its head to be level with the angel, he looked at the angel with a certain look.

"I'm afraid I don't understand"

Angel please, its me, see me, please I'm begging you.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand what your trying to tell me" he said placing his hand on the creatures snout once again.

Angel save me

The angel pulled away from the creature, he had heard his thought.

"Did you just....? Think something else" he said putting his hand back

Angel its me Crowley, help me


The creature lifted its head to the roof and roared as loud as it could before he looked back at the angel.

"It is you, oh my dear I wondered what happened to you"

Crowley walked towards the summoning circle and sat in the centre pointing at his name in the circle once again.

"So this is your name in Lilium? Well then.....Crowley" said the angel.

The circle began to glow and a bright red light shot up to the ceiling enveloping Crowley. The light was so bright that the angel couldn't see the demon until it receded. When it finally did the angel looked at the circle which now had Crowley in his human like form lying on the ground naked and unconscious.

"Crowley!" exclaimed the angel as he ran up to his friend and rolled up over so his head was on his lap.

The demon opened his eyes and looked up at his angel who had save him.

"Angel....Thank you"

"Oh dear boy, how did this happen?"

"I...I don't remember, its been long" whispered Crowley 

"Come now, save your voice, I believe its time to get you out of here"

"Angel.....I...I love you"

"Oh my dear I love you too, so very much" smiled Aziraphale with tears in his eyes.

Let me know if you want a second part :)

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