Back in the game

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Aziraphale was sitting in the coffee shop across the street from the bookshop drinking his oat milk latte waiting for Crowley. He looked up out the window many times waiting for the demon, he was used to him being late.

Crowley was just leaving his apartment on his way to the coffee shop to meet his angel when he got a rather weird text.

We need to talk - L

Crowley knew exactly who it was from but ultimately chose to ignore it and walked out of his apartment building and walked up to his garage and opened it revealing the Bentley and a rather awesome motorbike, a black Yamaha R6.  

Crowley decided that he would take the bike as he hadn't ridden it in almost two months and so he took his helmet off the hook on the wall and grabbed his keys. Crowley started the engine and got on the bike whilst putting his helmet on before he took off closing his garage door with a click of his fingers.

It was roughly ten minutes later when the Angel looked up at the sound of a loud motorbike which was being parked outside of the coffeeshop. The rider took off his helmet and the angel was shocked, he had no idea Crowley even owned a motorcycle let alone that he could ride one.

Crowley put his bike on the stand and put on his sunglasses which he had put in his jacket pocket before he left. He walked into the coffee shop with his helmet in hand and walked up to the angels table and sat down.

"Hi" he said

"Hello, I didn't know you had a motorbike?"

"Yeah been in the garage for a while, figured it was time to ride again. So what's up?"

Suddenly the entirety of the coffee shop and those outside began to slow down, but only Crowley seemed to notice.

"Well I..."


"Crowley? What is it?"

"Look" said Crowley nodding to the people behind the angel who had all but froze.

"What's happening? This isn't you, is it?"

"No...But I know who" said Crowley standing up and looking out the window at the angel standing in the middle of the street with his wings stretched out.

"Who is that?" 

"Amenadiel, Archangel....Come on"

Crowley and Aziraphale walked out of the coffee shop and stood before Amenadiel.

"What do you want?" asked Crowley

"You don't answer your texts" he said with a smug face

"I told him I was out, not my fault he doesn't listen"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Lucifer" said Crowley after sighing.

Crowley and Aziraphale looked at each other with worried eyes. Crowley was worried because what if Lucifer hurt him? His angel. What if Lucifer pulled him back to hell? Or worse what if he finally decided to get rid of a thorn in his side?

However Aziraphale was worried for a whole new set of reasons. What if he never got to tell him? What if Lucifer hurt him? What if he never saw him again?

"He wants to see you, both of you"

"No, hell no!" exclaimed Crowley

"I'm not asking" said Amenadiel who snapped his fingers.

Suddenly both Aziraphale and Crowley were in a nice penthouse in L.A. They looked around and saw a pretty blonde and the man himself, Lucifer Morningstar.

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