The 60's

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Warnings: drug abuse, needles, refusal of help, drug house
Summary: Crowley's problem with drugs, obviously Aziraphale doesn't stop to try and help him.

It was the 60's and Aziraphale had lots to do, people were having loads of fun here, there and everywhere. Aziraphale had given Crowley the holy water and he prayed that the demon wouldn't do anything stupid with it. He did however have slightly bigger problems, upstairs had given him orders to find and stop a drug dealer who was selling a drug that was said to simulate gods love.

Aziraphale had followed a junkie he saw on the street who he noticed was itching for a fix and so he followed him to an old run down house, something about the house unsettled him, but he walked in regardless.

The angel walked through the hallways which were full of people who were strung out but he eventually found the dealer, who was currently with a 'client'. A 'client' the angel knew, his demon friend.

Crowley took what he paid for and went to sit down somewhere secluded and was about to cook his drug but he felt a presence he was all too familiar with getting closer, he cursed himself for not sensing him sooner but he was a little too strung out to care.

"Crowley what are you doing here?" Asked the angel who knelt down in front of him.

"What does it look like?" Said the demon who cooked his drug in his hand and took out a needle and sucked it all up, not waiting a drop.

"Crowley no, please" said the angel who grabbed the demons wrist with tears beginning to form in his eyes.

Crowley yanked his arm free and said "Piss off angel, I can do what I want" and injected the drug into his arm.

Crowley closed his eyes as the drug began to affect him, he now had not a care in the world about the angel who was now very worried about the demon. He had never seen his friend so broken down before and so picked him up and miracled himself and the demon to the bookshop, he lay Crowley down on the sofa and then miracled himself back to the crack house, he clicked his fingers and let a miracle flow through the room. By the morning this house would be empty and all these people would check into a rehab centre.

Aziraphale returned to the bookshop and went to kneel down beside Crowleys head as the drug worked its way through his system.

"Oh Crowley, why?"

The morning rolled around and Crowley had woken up to see a blurry angel figure sitting at his desk. Crowley sat up and rubbed his eyes, he remembered entering the house but nothing that happened after.

"Oh good you're awake"

"How?.....why am I here?"

"I found you in that horrible house some what out of it and so I brought you here"

Crowley didn't remember that but he also knew that Aziraphale wouldn't lie to him and so he stood up and began to make his way towards the door but he swayed and steadied himself against a bookshelf.

"Easy my dear, sit back down, please?"

"I have to go"

"Crowley please, I think we should talk"

Crowley looked at the angel, he was calmly angry and the angel knew it "About what?"

"You know perfectly well what" said the angel who stood there with his arms crossed and his eyebrow raised.

Crowley knew he didn't stand a chance in his current condition and so he sighed and gave in as Aziraphale assisted him back to the sofa.

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