Brotherly Love and...

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Crowley had been living in a deep, dark depression for three months. from the second that Aziraphale had left him, Crowley had done nothing but drink and... well sleep wouldn't be the word, he drank so much that he past out. He hadn't showered nor changed his clothes, the ones he still wore had an echo smell of the angel. Even the Bentley had been put away in the garage and forgotten about.

Crowley was walking through his apartment when the bottle he had been nursing had run dry, he threw the bottle across the room and it smashed on the floor, he screamed into the empty room and leant against the wall and fell to the floor . 

Aziraphale had broken the demon and to Crowley it seemed like he couldn't've cared any less.

"You don't look well brother"

Crowley sat on the floor looking out into the empty room with his knees brought up to his chest. He didn't even have to turn to face the man, he knew the voice.

"Piss off Lucifer"

"Is that anyway to talk to your brother?"

"You heard me"

"I'm worried about you Crowley"

Crowley turned his head to face Lucifer and asked "Why did she take him? Hasn't she punished me enough?" Tears began to spill from his eyes.

Lucifer sat down next to his brother and pulled him towards him as he began to cry uncontrollably. 

"Why did she take him from me?"

"I don't know Crowley"

"I thought she cared about us"

"So did I"

Lucifer held his little brother as he cried himself into a dreamless sleep. Lucifer carried Crowley to his bed and tucked him in. Making sure Crowley was sleeping, Lucifer left the apartment heading towards the door, he walked out into the street and summoned the elevator, he pressed the heaven button. He wanted answers and he wanted them now.

The elevator went up towards the pearly white and freezing atmosphere of Heaven, He wanted to know the reason his mother would take from her youngest the one thing that kept him going. Lucifer walked into heaven as soon as the doors opened, he stuck out like a sore thumb with his black suit.  

Lucifer passed many lower ranked angels as he stormed through heaven, all of whom stayed out of his way when they saw the anger in his eyes. He walked straight into Metatron's office where He, Michael and Uriel were having a meeting.

"Ah Lucifer what can we do for you?" asked Metatron as he lent back in his chair.

Lucifer completely ignored him and walked straight for him pulling him right out of his chair and against the wall by the lapels of his coat.

"My little brother is having a breakdown because of you, so you are going to tell mother dearest that I want to see her NOW!" he exclaimed as his eyes glowed red in his anger.

"I'm afraid thats not possible"

"Do you talk for her now? You're her secretary not her voice"

"Lucifer we were in the middle of a meeting" said Michael

"Do you care so little for our brother Michael?"

"Raphael chose his side as did you"

Lucifer dropped Metatron and walked over to his sibling and said "I thought you'd run out of ways to make me sick, hello again....If you won't help me I find her myself"

"You'll fail" 

Lucifer stood at the door and just froze "At least I will fail trying"

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