
273 11 3

Warnings: blood, guns, alcohol
This will be long but great.....I hope :). 2348 words

Aziraphale hadn't seen Crowley in years, centuries even. You see they had a big fight and they hadn't made up.

Aziraphale was sitting in the coffee shop with Maggie and Nina telling them stories about his past and basically just hanging out.

Suddenly there was a loud explosion which blasted in the shop windows and knocked out Nina, Maggie and Aziraphale.
Unknown to them six men walked into the shop and took all three of them. The men put them into a van and drove away.

Hours later Aziraphale was the first to awaken. He was lying in the middle of what looked like an occult circle. His first thought was that the men thought that he was a demon, but if they thought that, then why did they take the ladies?
After a few minutes both Maggie and Nina woke up, they were tied to chairs which sat next to the circle.

"Mr Fell are you alright?" Asked Maggie

"I believe I am quite well, how are you two?"

"Bloody hell these ropes are tight!" Exclaimed Nina as she tried to free herself.

"I think we're fine, what happened?"

"We caught ourselves some fighters!"

Aziraphale looked towards the door to see three of the men who kidnapped them. Then men entered the room and stood before Aziraphale who was now standing inside the circle.

"So we finally caught an angel"

"And here I thought the circle wouldn't work, so what's your name?" Said the second man

"Why on earth would I tell you?"

"Cause you won't have a choice"

The man reached in to the back of his jeans and brought out a gun, he aimed it at Aziraphale and pulled the trigger.

"Mr Fell!!" Shouted Maggie

Aziraphale fell to his knees and clutched his shoulder in pain, the bullet had lodged itself inside his body.

"So angels do bleed, interesting"

The men left the room and left the ladies and the angel alone. Aziraphale was slowly loosing blood, which was soaking into his shirt and jacket. He didn't know what to do, the circle was blocking his powers so he couldn't escape or heal himself. Both Nina and Maggie had renewed energy to try and escape after seeing their friend get shot.

"Crowley I don't know if you can hear me but please, I need you" said the angel before he passed out from the pain.

"Who's Crowley?" Asked Nina

Crowley was in his bar, in his office through the back. He was having a particularly good night, lots of patrons visited his bar which was situated not too far from the angels bookshop. (Although he had never visited it)

He was looking through the alcohol orders when he felt the call of his friend.
"Crowley, I don't know if you can hear me but please, I need you"

'Angel' mumbled the demon as he grabbed his leather jacket from the back of his chair and ran out of his office and into the bar heading towards the door.

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