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Its not like Crowley hadn't been summoned before, he had, of course he had, loads of people wanted to deal with the Serpent of Eden. But wanting to and actually doing so are two completely different things.

People usually wanted the usual things like power or money but occasionally he got a group of Christian cultists and they were the worst of all. Probably because all they wanted was to rid the world of demons and so Crowley was tortured for days, sometimes even weeks, on end. Some cults had gotten so far as to almost break him, none had succeeded though.

The most recent one was a few years before Crowley had asked for the holy water from the angel, he prayed every second they stood in the park that the angel wouldn't see him putting most of his weight on his cane. What he didn't know is that the angel had noticed and proceeded to keep an eye on the demon for a few weeks after their meeting, just to be sure his 'friend' was safe.

It had been a year and a half since Adam refused to end the world and to the angel and the demon it was the best time of their immortal lives. They could do anything they wanted and not worry about heaven or hell, that was of course until Crowley begun to feel week in the days leading up to a super blood moon, usually he could resist the summons but as the moon weakened him he knew he wouldn't be able to this time.

He knew that every occultist out there would try to summon a demon and of course being the only demon on earth it was always him who answered the summons, but not this time, this time he had a plan.

Crowley drove the Bentley to the bookshop and sat in the front seat for several minutes trying to gain strength enough to get out and walk inside. It took a solid five minutes to gain enough strength, even then it was hard. He got out of the car and walked inside, miracling the sign to 'closed' as he was about to have a difficult conversation with the angel and he didn't want any annoying humans to interrupt him. 

Aziraphale had turned to look at the door when he heard the bell above the door, he smiled the second he saw his friend, but that smile faded when he saw how he was walking. There was no swagger, no hands in pockets, nothing, the demon wasn't even wearing his sunglasses, that alone made the angel worried. Crowley walked through the shop not even acknowledging the angel and sat down on his sofa in the back and sighed.

"Are you alright my dear? You seem out of sorts" asked the angel who sat down in the armchair across from the sofa

"I need to ask you something and I need you to let me explain before you interrupt me"

"Go ahead dear, I won't interrupt"

Crowley sighed and began "I need you to summon me....Yeah I know weird request but you see every time there's some sort of unnatural phenomenon every Tom, Dick and Harry cult tries to summon me, I can usually resist it but super blood moons drain demonic power so I don't think I can this time, you are the only one I can think of who could bind me stronger than any human could break through, plus your the only one that I trust enough not to hurt me" Crowley mumbled that last part but the angel heard him right enough.

Aziraphale sat there processing the demons words, he got up and turned away from the demon and sighed.

"Angel you don't have to, Its not like I'm forcing you"

"Crowley do you really not know me? Of course I will, I would never let any human cult get their hands on you, It doesn't even bare thinking about" said the angel who knelt down in front of the demon and placed his hands on the demons knees. "I have to confess that I have no clue on how to summon you"

Crowley reached into his pocket and took out a piece of paper that seemed to be ripped out of an old book, an old spell book. It had a binding circle drawn on it and an incantation written at the bottom.

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