Chapter 57: The Jingshi

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Wei Wuxian was sitting peacefully in Lan Wangji's lap. He had tucked himself under Lan Wangji's chin and was resting his head against Lan Wangji's chest. Wei Wuxian had been spending a lot of time like this lately. Lan Wangji didn't mind. Quite the opposite actually. The sense of warmth and peace that filled him whenever he was in physical contact with Wei Wuxian was something he could not get enough of.

It was still a rather foreign experience to have this feeling when touching someone. Lan Wangji had spent his life withdrawing from others. People were something to be avoided. Touch was uncomfortable. All decisions were made in accordance to the rules, because what else could decisions be made based on? It had not fully sunk in for Lan Wangji that he was not truly that person anymore.

Wei Wuxian had changed everything. Things Lan Wangji had accepted as facts and defined himself by were rewritten in the blink of an eye. For whatever reason Wei Wuxian had completely changed everything Lan Wangji thought he knew about himself. However, Lan Wangji didn't mind these changes. He actually rather liked these changes. It was just that he wasn't used to them yet. He was continuously in awe of the fact that he had a desire to touch Wei Wuxian. When it came to Wei Wuxian the rules were no longer as immovable as the stone they were carved into.

Wei Wuxian shifted slightly to snuggle more tightly against Lan Wangji's chest. Lan Wangji inhaled deeply then released a contented sigh. Before he knew what he was doing Lan Wangji bent down and placed a light kiss on the top of Wei Wuxian's head. Lan Wangji felt his lips curve in a small pleased smile. Wei Wuxian had been spending all of his time with Lan Wangji and in the Jingshi. Wei Wuxian's natural scent was now seemingly permanently mixed with the sandalwood fragrance that permeated the Jingshi.

'He smells like me now.' Lan Wangji thought to himself. That thought brought a feeling of deep satisfaction. It was something that happened because of how close Wei Wuxian was with him. At this point Lan Wangji knew Wei Wuxian had become his everything. As he sat in the courtyard playing his guqin, his entire world was curled in his lap. Lan Wangji took another deep breath of Wei Wuxian's sandalwood stained scent.

'My Wei Ying. You even smell like me now. It's another reminder that you are here, that you have continued to remain close to me. I want the entire world to know that you are mine. I want them to know that they cannot hurt you or take you from me.' Lan Wangji placed another soft kiss on Wei Wuxian's head. He felt Wei Wuxian snuggle even tighter against him. Wei Wuxian exhaled with a soft purr of contentment, and Lan Wangji felt his heart completely melt.

He wasn't sure if Wei Wuxian was actually asleep or if he was just lightly resting. Either option wasn't bad, though he secretly hoped Wei Wuxian was managing to get some sleep. Lan Wangji continued to play songs meant to calm and soothe, infusing them with spiritual energy. Wei Wuxian was not sleeping enough, so Lan Wangji spent a few hours every day playing for him while Wei Wuxian at least rested in his arms.

Lan Wangji gazed softly at Wei Wuxian, admiring the peaceful figure of his betrothed. Just thinking about the fact that they were actually betrothed made Lan Wangji's heart flutter and his ears blush. Lan Wangji felt a bit impatient. He wanted to marry the man in his arms. He wanted it to be very clear that Wei Wuxian was his, and no one was allowed to hurt him or separate them. Of course at the same time he was excited for the time they could spend together during courtship before they were married. Lan Wangji suddenly felt a wave of panic.

They were officially courting now, but he had not yet provided Wei Wuxian with any courtship gifts. Lan Wangji frowned. That would not do. Wei Wuxian deserved only the best, so Lan Wangji would have to think carefully about what to give him. Lan Wangji stopped playing music as he fell into deep thought. Before meeting Wei Wuxian he had never given any thought to courtship or marriage. He assumed he either wouldn't marry, or would be commanded by the elders to fulfill a political marriage. In either case he wouldn't have to worry about things like courtship gifts. In the first scenario there was no one to court. In the second, most likely the gifts would be prepared by Lan Xichen or Lan Qiren, and Lan Wangji wouldn't care much what was given. Wei Wuxian was different though. He didn't want to thoughtlessly give some courtship gifts just to fulfill expectations.

Lan Wangji heard footsteps approaching. Slightly hesitant in nature, and then slowing slightly as though trying not to disturb. Lan Wangji knew it was Wen Qionglin before he looked up. Only a handful of people came to the Jingshi these days. Which made it rather easy for Lan Wangji to begin telling them apart based on their approach. Wen Qionglin was always nervous and hesitant around him.

Lan Wangji knew he should probably try to work on making the other more comfortable. Wen Qionglin was Wei Wuxian's didi, after all. However, some part of Lan Wangji sort of enjoyed that Wen Qionglin was nervous around him. It was the same part of him that became jealous of other people taking Wei Wuxian's attention and affection away from him. Lan Wangji took a breath to calm himself down.

'I should work on this. He is Wei Ying's family. I can at least work on not getting jealous of his family. I don't get jealous of Wen Qing. Wen Qionglin should not be that different.' Lan Wangji explained to himself calmly.

"Lan-er-gongzi." Wen Qionglin greeted, nervously. "Jie wanted to ask if Xian-ge would be feeling up to doing some planning in the afternoon with Zewu-Jun. She was thinking of all of us eating lunch together and then beginning discussing the upcoming events." Lan Wangji considered it for a bit. It was important for them to discuss this. They had been putting it off for a while at this point. On the other hand, Wei Wuxian had not been as social of late. Most of their time during this week had been spent, just the two of them.

"We should do it." Wei Wuxian's voice interrupted Lan Wangji's thoughts. Wei Wuxian hadn't moved, but he had spoken clearly, no trace of sleep in his voice. Lan Wangji frowned slightly. Wei Wuxian smirked slightly. "Lan Zhan. I can feel you frowning." Wei Wuxian said in a slightly playful tone.

He opened his eyes and looked up at Lan Wangji. He could see the slight down turn of his lips, the crease between his brows that showed his unhappiness. Wei Wuxian felt his grin widen.

"Admit it, you just don't want to share me." Wei Wuxian said playfully. Lan Wangji's ears tinted pink. Wei Wuxian's heart soared at the sight.

'So cute.' Wei Wuxian thought.

"A-Ning, you can tell Jiejie that we can have lunch and talk after." Wei Wuxian said confidently. Wen Qionglin nodded in acknowledgement then quickly excused himself. Wei Wuxian shook his head slightly. "He's still scared of you." Wei Wuxian said quietly to Lan Wangji.

"Mn." Lan Wangji acknowledged. Wei Wuxian narrowed his eyes at the man holding him.

"Lan Zhan. Stop worrying. I'll be fine." Wei Wuxian said as he pressed a finger against the crease between Lan Wangji's eyebrows. "Stop worrying so much." Wei Wuxian insisted as he tried to forcibly smooth away the worry lines. Lan Wangji's arms wrapped around Wei Wuxian and held him close.

"No." Lan Wangji replied. Wei Wuxian sighed like he was annoyed, but secretly he was quite happy. It was nice having Lan Wangji worry about him. Wei Wuxian snuggled happily in Lan Wangji's arms.

"You're so warm Er-gege." Wei Wuxian said softly. He watched Lan Wangji's ears go from slightly pink to dark red.

"Shameless." Lan Wangji said quietly. Wei Wuxian burst out in bright laughter.

"Er-gege, you called me shameless! It's been so long since you called me that." Wei Wuxian said brightly. Lan Wangji could feel a blush beginning to rise on his neck as well.

"Don't... don't call me that." Lan Wangji managed quietly. Wei Wuxian pouted.

"Hmm... what should I call my fiance if not Er-gege? Lan-er-gege? Zhan-er?" Wei Wuxian was watching with amusement as Lan Wangji's ears darkened and red crept up his neck. Without warning Lan Wangji captured Wei Wuxian's chin and kissed him aggressively. Wei Wuxian hummed happily when Lan Wangji broke the kiss.

"Er-gege... We're courting but you still can't take my teasing?" Wei Wuxian said in a low voice filled with amusement. "Lan-er-gege. Are you embarrassed?"

"Wei Ying..." Lan Wangji said, his voice filled with warning.

"I can't help myself. My Lan-er-gege is too cute. How can I possibly stop?" Wei Wuxian asked with a mischievous grin.

"Wei Ying." Lan Wangji felt like his face was burning with embarrassment.

"I can't help myself. If you want me to stop you'll have to silence me? What do you think Lan-er-gege?" Wei Wuxian whispered into Lan Wangji's ear. Lan Wangji felt his self restraint crumble into dust. He caught that misbehaving mouth with his lips and pressed his hand on the back of Wei Wuxian's neck, not allowing him to open up any space between them.

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