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In the Great Hall Sage takes her seat next to Finn and pours herself some tea.

He looks too tired to even eat, his movements languid and eyes barely opening all the way. He always needs more time in the morning.

"You plan on going to the welcome-back party on friday?" She asks.

Parties are a regular occurance in Hogwarts, but this one is the biggest each year, sort of initiating the countless little ones that will follow until summer.

Finn normally declines any invitation to parties. Not much of a drinker. Or a social butterfly.

"Yeah," he responds, an unpleasant undertone detectable. "In the room of requirement, right? Like every year?"

Sage nods.

He registers her slightly surprised look and elaborates. "Indigo wants to go. I'll be her nice little watchdog, so she can drink as much as she wants with no worries."

"How very gentlemen of you," her tongue is dripping with sarcasm before it gets a taste of the morning tea.

Finn's quite the handsome guy, top five of Gryffindor house without a doubt. He's a calm and collected bloke, reason why Sage can stand him only the littlest bit.

One would think he has every girl stepping out of his dorm room, but unlike Sage, Finn only gives his full attention to his longterm girlfriend Indigo from Ravenclaw house. Been together since the Yule Ball. Classic story.

The committment these two have is something Sage can't quite comprehend.

Relationships are scary.

No, love is scary.

And it's not the committment on the sexual part, staying faithful and such. That is easy. Its the fact that in a relationship, a good one, you would have to pour so much into it only that it could end in no time. With a snap of your fingers.

Love can be good, sure. She sees it all around her, but it can hurt all the more. It is dangerous, you have no control. It can leave you broken if the love has been meaningful. If one day you love a person with all of your heart and the next, it is suddenly gone.

Sage prefers control.

"Well," Finn's voice strings her out of her thoughts. "I also haven't seen her over summer very much so I try to get the most of her now. On that note," he suddenly stands and swings his satchel over his shoulder. "I gotta go. Promised her a snog session before class."

Sage rolls her eyes at the bad joke. Dean and Seamus just arrive to witness a way too eager looking Finn making his way over to the Ravenclaw table.

"Ah, they're still a thing." Dean eyes follow Finn.

"And they will be until they die, I'm sure. They might as well be glued to the hip." Sage takes a bite of her toast.

"They'll be dogging it up in their shared grave," Seamus sniggers, taking seat infront of her.

"But good for them. They clearly found each other." Sage comments a little too bitter, getting up from her seat after giving a quick goodbye to Dean and Seamus.

On her way to class she stumbles upon a familiar face. One she has missed over the summer more than anything.

"Omg, is that my most favourite Gryffindor? Scrap that, my most favourite person all together?" Pansy nearly shrieks, wearing the biggest smile possible as she looks her up and down, inspecting how even more mature she has gotten since they last saw each other.

"Oh my, have I missed you, Peach. I was looking for you everywhere." Sage pulls her into a bonechrushing hug. "No, for real, where have you been? I was in Slytherin's two days ago. You just left me alone with the boys." Sage gives a dramatic stern look. "I hope whatever you stood me up for was worth it."

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