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"How are you feeling?" Draco is leaning on his elbow, gazing down at Sage as he strokes her hair.

"Off." Sage rubs her eyes with the heel of her palms, having just woken up. It could be much worse with the drinking she did. She only has a light headache and, well, just feels off. Her brain is a little foggy pertaining last night. "What happened?"

"You almost spilled your guts there." He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

Sage furrows her brows, hiding a yawn with the back of her hand. "Well that doesnt sound good."

Draco gets up and walks into the bathroom. "Nearly confessed that you have a sister." Sage sits up suddenly. She would have regretted that, for sure. "I stopped you, but it was a close one."

The feeling of his lips on hers clears in her mind, the corner of her lips tugging up into a smirk.

"With a kiss. I remember now," eyes twinkle at him as he comes out the bathroom with their toothbrushes in hand. "Smooth."

He smirks right back at her and her gaze falls to his lips. "Theres one more thing. You—You basically confessed your love for me. Very touching, I have to say."

She slaps a hand over her mouth. "Omg, I did that." She bends over, her face burried in the covers, the next words muffled. "How am I gonna talk myself out of this one?"

He sits down on the bed, rubbing her back up and down. "Theres no way. You are undeniably in love with me. But I fear Im not there yet, you know. I need more time."

Sage straightens herself again and locks eyes with him, pulling a fake frown. "That sucks."

He gives her cheek a kiss and hands her her toothbrush. They move to the bathroom, infront of the mirror.

So she almost has told Theo and Blaise. Its not that she dispises the thought of them knowing. She has kept Willow a secret for long enough, has no clue why or when it even started. And that it was possible in the first place is a miracle, honestly.

Sage spits the toothpaste into the sink. "I think I will tell Theo today."

Draco follows behind with that action, while she puts her toothbrush away. "About your sister?"

"Yeah." She leans her hip against the counter and folds her arms over her chest. "Ive been thinking about telling Theo for a while now and maybe- maybe last night was sort of a sign that Im ready."

He leans on the counter as well, facing her. His hand rests on the top, a good foot between them. "And you feel ready?"

Sage ponders for a moment, gnawing on her lip. She has been ready for some time now, but in all honesty, she dreaded telling Theo only because of the reaction her might give her. After all, she hid a big part of her life from him, her best friend. But no matter how he will react, she has to tell him. "Yes."

"Absolutely?" He is just making sure she isnt jumping into something.

"Yes." She says much more determined this time. "I finally want to put it to rest. If I open up to Theo about it and Blaise and at some point Pansy, I can work my way to speak about it more openly. Not just with you, but with everyone. I had the priviledge of 'hiding her', so to say, but Im done with that. I dont want Willow to be a sensitive subject anymore." At the end of her tiny rant she notices Draco's soft gaze at her. "What?"

"Nothing, Im just- Im just proud. Youve come a long way, Blossom." He smiles tenderly and she returns it.


Theres just something about this word.

"Great thanks to you." She extends a hand out for him.

He shakes his head, coming to stand infront of her and holds his hands loosely around her neck, while her arms go around his waist. "No, stop saying that. I only gave you the nudge to be real with yourself."

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