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"I've got it." Draco says as soon as he steps into the door, closing it swiftly behind him.

The cream for healing wounds of magical origin Blaise has bought as a precaution. He didnt have to use it up until this morning.

Last night Sage, Draco, Theo and Blaise have been summoned to the Manor, but this time not for a meeting. He has instructed some of his best soldiers to motivate them on doing their longcoming 'duty'.

Sage knew, that that day would come sometime, especially the longer they have been left alone with that.

The insults coming from Bellatrix and rats like Dolohov and the Carrows didnt mean anything. They could listen to them all day, because they dont care to disappoint them.

Its the wounds that are most painful, created by daggers and knives and whips, laced with dark magic to make them extra painful and tenacious. Every single one of the four got a different treatment.

They had absolute fun with them.

Yes, these wounds will scar and be with them forever, but they can live with that, than the scars created in their minds to treat innocent people inhumane.

Scared muggles and already tortured wizards were lined up infront of them like a buffet and the four were to 'give their best' and 'have fun', as Bellatrix called it.

It was sick.

With every refuse to harm the blameless victims, they have received, what they should have been handing out.

Whips and cuts and slashes.

The laughs coming from the deranged Death Eaters while they pierced into their skin was another reminder of how sick this whole thing is.

All night theyve been at it and now they are getting ready for class. Sage stands infront of the bodylength mirror in their dorm, having everything on than her blouse.

It hurts bad, as it is intended to, and though she wears them with some sort of pride, the wounds scorch her from the inside out and sting badly at the moment.

Her eyes are red-shot from the crying right when they got back. She collapsed on the floor with him from the pain and they couldnt even hold each other because of their injuries, which was even more painful. They both calmed down now, but her eyes are stinging terribly with a new set of tears.

She is putting her hair up in a bun for the day, just securing the last strand, when Draco comes up behind her.

Sage got the cuts, Bellatrix having a field day on her. On her shoulder blades, arms, her sides and one on her collarbone are the worst and most noticable ones.

That was a cute little family bonding moment.

"Fuck." She lets her arms fall to her side with a strangled sigh after feeling the discomfort of pulling the skin around her gashes.

"I told you to wait." Draco speaks softly as he approaches her. He swerves his eyes shortly over her body and his jaw involuntarily clenches. He opens the tub to gather some of the green cream on his fingers.

"And I told you I can do it." She retaliates with more attitude than intended, because of the pure pain she has to put up with for hours now.

He is busy pulling a concerned face when he sights the long slit on her skin to even react to her tone.

He flicks his eyes shortly to hers in the mirror. "Blaise said this will hurt, sooo.... hold your tits, my love."

"I love how you talk to-" she yelps loud, when the salve comes in contact with the wound on her back, a shooting pain going through her like a thunder bolt.

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