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Her eyes widen by her husbands loud and firm voice. Her heart begins to pump faster, setting aside the knife in her hand she used to cut up fruit.

His footsteps come nearer, heavy yet brisk and she has her eyes set on the dark hallway he is coming out of, only clad in a pair of dark green swimming trunks.

He huffs like a bull seeing red, readying itself to charge. "Where are they?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." She feigns cluelessness, but the smile curling on her lips tells a different story. She has moved the cape in its rightful mischief. Yet again. And the smile is all that it takes for him to really do charge at her.

"You're done." He states lowly, and when she turns her back to run from him, she can see a smile flash his handsome features.

She goes all over the whole living space, always having some kind of furniture between them for extra protection. She can't keep in the giggles as he chases her around the couch, the coffeetable, the dining table.

"Stop running away from me." He demands when she is slipping out of his hands everytime he gets close, laughing himself at the ridiculouslness of the situation. "I don't want to chase a pregnant lady."

They end up at the kitchen island again, her at one side with him across. Her chest is rising and falling quickly, trying to catch a breath. This is the most workout she has done in her whole life-sex aside.

"It's a good one, I'll give you that." He states, very slowly edging towards her, but she sees and takes steps the other direction, away from him. "Taking underwear from my luggage."

"You have one pair left." She remarks, a devilish smirk crossing her lips at the thought of the leopard print undies she gifted him for christmas as an obvious joke.

Who would have thought it could come in handy at times like these?

He shakes his head, rolling the tongue along his cheek. "You think you're so fucking clever."

"Happy April Fools Day, darling." She grins, immediatly taking off again when he does too, laughing even harder this time.

That is the reason why he has it easier to catch up this time, tickling her sides as he does so. And with that, she is done, up to the mercy of his fingertips-not PG this time.

She squirms in his hold, tumbling onto the big rug of the living room, carefully of course. He straddeles her so there is no way out of the torture, working the right places he knows will make her weak.

"Don't tickle me, I'm pregnant."

"I don't care." He chuckles wholeheartedly, because she is using her state as a lame excuse.

Her laugh is the most sweetest, luminous song of the gods. It makes his soul smile and heart swim with love.

Blossom. Blossom. Blossom.

He would do anything to hear that angelic longer. Even if that means tickling her mercilessly.

"No, seriously. I'm-I'm gonna pee. Draco-Draco-stop."

He is laughing his ass off at that, loud and heartfelt, because of her helplessness. It's one of those times where everything makes the situation funnier.

"Draco stop, I will pee, I will fucking pee, please stop it." She begs through her laughing. Her thrashing arms get a hold of his ones, gripping tightly as if that would stop him. "I mean it, st-stop, please."

He laughs even harder, but eventually stops the attack. That is when she sits up with a start, a hand on her stomach.

"Oh." She makes a weird face, which worries him to the core.

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