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Another week passes with Sage having classes and too much homework for her liking.

She would meet up with Theo in the library or his dormitry and work on them together, when its close to due date and they havent found the motivation yet.

Since both are not diligent on completing their work, they keep each other motivated through scorning commentary and sometimes race to finish up first.

Very competitive these two.

Just like siblings.

Sage is almost done with her Transfiguration essay, Theo already moving onto his next, when Draco breaks the concentrating silence.

"Are you done yet, Blossom?" He asks, looking over her shoulder to her notes.

"Would be if you would just help me," Sage keeps writing.

"Nah, I already do your notes."

"Which I still dont understand why," she utters, still keeping her eyes on her work.

"I told you why," Draco shrugs. "Hurry up. I have something planned for us."

"But I will need more time than Blue. I just started with it," Theo complains.

Blaise stops his reading. "I am ready to go. Should I go get Pansy. I only hope I don't walk in on her being busy with Reina again," he starts to stand up.

"Oh no, no, no my plans dont include you two, just Blossom and I," Draco's expression is non-telling as he leans against his bedpost with folded arms.

Blaise mumbles something whereas Theo smiles to himself, resuming what they were doing before.

Sage looks up at him apprehensively. "Okay. Let me just write this last sentence."

After that Sage follows him out the dorm and through the castle, confused what he had planned. They walk down Hogwarts' grounds in direction of the quidditch pitch, when Sage is getting a hunch what they'll be doing.

"Are you scared of heights?" Draco asks while grabbing two brooms out of the closet.

Sage snorts. "No. I may have never played quidditch, but I always loved flying. I used to uh—" she hesitates, taking a deep breath "—I used to do it with Willow, around the garden a lot. Haven't done it in a while, though."

"Willow is a beautiful name," Draco smiles, hearing her name for the first time. He hands her one of the brooms.

Sage only nods giving a half smile back and taking the broom.

"Hopefully you are not too rusty. I havent been flying too much lately either. But I'll definetly be better than you," Draco brags, moving to the field to mount his broom.

"You wish," Sage scoffs, her competetive side taking over.

They take off, Sage a little wobbly at first but easily overtaking Draco after. She did fly a lot in her past and she can be cocky too. Draco feels challenged and starts to race her. They fly over the Black Lake and the landscape, passing a little village on the way.

Sage hasnt felt so free in a long time. Flying has been one of her favourite pass times and she cant believe she really kept herself from doing it for so long. It feels fucking amazing with the wind wafting through her long hair. They stop racing and fly around each other, joking around, doing weird poses and just laughing.

Draco leads them to land and they land at a cliff. Draco sits down near the edge, Sage following suit. She sees Draco lean back on the palm of his hands and inhale deeply with his eyes closed.

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