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These past weeks have been the most fun Sage has felt in a long time.

Draco had snatched her away from the group or abducted her from the library or the great hall or anywhere, really, to have some little adventure with her.

She never objects because they always end up being more fun than whatever she was doing before. When she asked him why he makes such an effort, he bluntly said she is worth no less.

Well, that one time Draco took her to Madam Pudifoot's, not as a date, but to purely have a laugh. Turns out laughing and mocking other guests so open and crudely was not appreciated by anyone inside. They left the shop still laughing, not being fazed by Madam Pudifoot's harsh words of scolding.

Draco also took her to the kitchens, having some desserts and talking to the house elfs. Sage was pleasantly surprised with the way Draco behaved around the creatures—haf always assumed Draco would be mean to them because the Malfoy's are known for the brutal management of them, but he told her he only is when his father was around.
He always excused his behaviour afterwards and the elfs were understanding each time like the lovely beings that they are.

They were his friends growing up, played with him, gave him extra sweets, got him out of trouble. Just like the one's in Sage's manor did.

It was also one of the times, where Sage couldn't hold in her tears. The kitchen being a triggering factor with the elfs and sweets—both things she associates with her sister.

She has her ups and downs, but she works through her loss. Draco, like he promised, listens everytime Sage talks about Willow and comforts her if needed. He is making the process so much easier. She always asks if she should stop, since she doesn't want her healing process to be a burden for him, but he always reassures her how thankful he is to be part of it.

They also spend time in the room of requirement, looking around all the junk. Sage saw Draco walk in heels for the first time that day. That was quite a sight to see and she was surprised he agreed to it, after a lot of convincing, of course. Her laughing was worth every second of embarrassment. She was curled up on the floor, gripping her stomach, but he would give anything to hear that again.

The air around them has changed, for sure. The blooming friendship has gripped her harder than she thought possible, but she wouldn't change it for the world.

Now Sage had to catch up with her homework, which she neglected because of these little trips. She hasn't even properly started when she smells his intoxingly noble cologne and looks up to see Draco walking up to her.

"Ah, there you are."

"Merlin, am I nowhere safe now? How the did you even get in?" Sage asks, a little impressed at his efforts to find her in her common room. To this day, none of her Slytherin friends have been inside Gryffindor Tower.

"Bullied a first year into letting me in, of course," Draco scoffed. "Now come on, we have some place to be," he holds his hand out for her to take.

"Can't," she gestures to the stack if homework in front of her. "I have too much to do."

He lets his hand fall to his side. "But it will be worth it. And I don't take no for an answer."

"I would rather go with you but this time a no will have to suffice. I can't keep ignoring my work," Sage looks down to begin but is interrupted by Draco swinging her over his shoulder, a yelp following. Before she can protest he makes a run for it, keeping a safe arm around her legs. They run through the halls, laughing at the weird looks they receive and the situation all together.

He sets her down in front of the prefects bathroom. "I told you I don't take no as an answer," he says while trying to catch his breath and opening the door.

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