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For almost twenty minutes is Sage in the common room with Dean and Seamus now. Finn insisted for them to wait up because such big parties as the Welcome Back one intimidate the hell out of him.

"He is a Gryffindor for fucksake. He should walz in there and puff his chest out," Seamus conplains whilst checking his watch. "Not long and all the good stuff will be gone."

"Leave him be, he is a cute little Gryffindor puppy. Some of us need time grow," Sage defends him.

"We are in our last year. How much more growing does he need? Even Longbottom has got balls now."

"Hey, leave Neville alone. The trio is more than fine to judge but our little herbology master," she shakes her head. "No."

Seamus' brows draw together in mockery. "Oh you just like him because helps you in herbology."

"Correct. And you're jealous because that is yet again a subject you suck at," she throws one leg over the other from where she sits on an armchair. "I just know how to play my cards."

"Ah, you waited," Finn appears with his arms outstretched. "Sorry it took so long. I wanted to look fucking hot for Indigo. It's not often she sees me all done up. To be honest, naked is the hottest I—"

"Alright, you're rambeling again," Sage puts a hand on Finn's shoulder to shut him up and prompt forward. "Let's go before Seamus suffers from alcohol withdrawal."

"I'm just so nervous. There's so many people—it's intimidating."

Dean and Seamus share a look and Sage hits them both on the shoulder from behind.

"You will be fine, I'm sure of it," she gives his shoulder a squeeze. "Besides, you will probably be snogging your girlfriend the whole time and pay no mind to the people around."

The room reeks of alcohol and sweat. The music is too loud for sober ears and sweaty bodies are bumping into one another.

"I'll go look for Indigo," Finn shouts over the music and walks off with a strained smile.

Dean and Seamus share again a knowing look, but Sage is too far out of reach to care. She is looking for her favourite group of people, spotting them by a few couches.

She makes her presence known by plouncing down between Theo and Blaise, who cheer her as a welcome.

Draco is stood next to the couch and in deep conversation with a blonde girl, who turns out to be Daphne. Daphne Greengrass. Sweet and innocent Daphne Greengrass.


The sight alone gives her that unwelcomed pit in her stomach, that occurs on such occasions since forever.

Normally she doesn't care too much, though. She is not one to judge. He is astoundingly good looking. But so is Sage. And he always had his way with the other sex. And so does Sage.

It is even more annoying, that she wants to rip Daphne's hair out right now, because Sage is infact trying to avoid Draco. She has for the whole day. His eye-contact, being alone with him, talking to him in general. 

Sage remembers last night.

The effects of a hangover have never been detrimental on her and she tends to have a clear image of her previous intoxicated state and everything that happened. Usually Sage deems it as a blessing, but this time, it may as well be a curse.

She has spilled her guts to Draco because she couldnt keep her alcohol in check. Now he knows too much about her insecurities.

She should stay away from him, not sit on the astronomy tower an chat about life. He is not the guy for that. Because now she has this mess. Shit like this will happen. She will reveal stuff no one should know.

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