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Sage groans when she is woken up by loud noises outside their room.

Many footsteps and voices sound like a herd of animals in her sleepy haze. Doors opening and excited screams make her shoot her eyes open in annoyance.

She looks around, blinking to clear her vision and spots Draco next to her, propped on his elbow and glaring at the door with the same annoyance. His other arm is draped around her middle, fingertips tapping on her skin.

"What is going on?" Sage rolls to her side and hides her face in the pillow.

Draco moves his hand from her waist up to stroke her hair. "I dont know, but Im sure it could have been made a few octaves deeper."

The muffled, but still loud noise wanders downstairs and settles directly under the room Sage and Draco stay in, the heart of the house, being kitchen and dining area.

"We should head down." Draco suggests in a soft tone, giving her a kiss to her temple.

Sage huffs, knowing he is right. She, very slowly, comes to terms with getting up. No morning in bed with him today, apparently.

In less than ten minutes both are done and ready to head downstairs. Suitcases and bags are strewn on the way and the sight of the kitchen is pure and utter chaos.

"Holy fucking shit." Sage mumbles, her eyes scanning the bustle.

"This is a madhouse." Draco comments, quiet enough for only Sage to here.

So many people are talking, some eating pancakes and eggs on the side, some standing, some sitting, some walking around. Its all Order members, Diggory's, Black's, Wealsey's, the trio, Shaklebolt, Lupin's and so much more.

"Isnt this beautiful." Ravinia says as she nears the couple, but looking where they are staring at. Jugs and food-filled dishes float magically through the air and around people's heads. "This was planned all along. Now that Harry is here and we know what is going on, its best to have everyone in one place. Also with training- its far more fitting since the kids dont have to apparate back and forth. It was risky to begin with."

"They'll live here now as well?" Sage asks.

"Yes." Ravinia smiles brightly, very obviously enthused about hosting so many people.

Draco's eyes widen a tad bit. "Everyone?"

"Everyone." The woman nods. "Our safe house is the biggest. Now go eat, you have training after."

Theo and Blaise are at the end of the table, having breakfast and observing... everything. Sage aims for them, since there are a couple empty seats, pulling Draco along hand in hand. The table has elongated quite a bit. The Russo's always magic it fit for however many people are eating at the table and for now, a fuck tonne of people will have to have a seat.

"Its like the whole Gryffindor table from the Great Hall has been moved in here." Theo states when Sage sits down next to him, shoving down a bite of pancake.

She ruffles his hair and he swats her hand away. "This is definitely something."

Diggory and the Weasley twins are right opposite them, engaged in their own conversation. However, Cedric sends Sage a friendly smile, which she returns.

"I correct myself." Draco says after leaning into her. "I will have to try hard to be civil."

Remembering who Cedric is to Sage, there is a tiny bitter feeling towards him from Draco. Cedric not a bad guy. Hes repectful and even friendly to Draco himself when they train, but he cant shake it off.

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