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Sage stirrs awake when she senses his eyes on her face again for a while. She stretches her arms over her head while yawning and the blanket shifts down at her chest.

Draco chuckles lightly. "I correct myself. I prefer you naked over wearing my shirts."

His morning voice will never get old.

Sage drags her fingertips up his torso beneath the blanket. "Great, then we can spend more time in bed, since I dont have to dress myself."

He rolls ontop of her and she giggles due to the abruptness. "No, that is only for me. But I have nothing against being in bed with you all day." His hand cups her cheek as he leans down to kiss her lips tenderly.

Not even a minute later they hear a knock on the door. "Breakfast, you horny slags. 5 minutes." Pansy calls from the other side.

Both look at each other disappointedly.

"Always right on time, that witch." Sage comments while Draco gives her little kisses on the lips. "Five minutes." Sage pushes him off of her and gets off the bed. "Gotta get going." She hauls him out of bed.

They day proceeds like any other, pretty eventless and mentally less straining than yesterday. That is until Lucius, Cole and Nott Sr. appear in the manor right after dinner.

"Would you four please follow me into the studyroom." Lucius calls for them with his plastered on smile, right when the plates are being taken away from them. Sage feels the food come up again.

Draco grabs Sage's hand rapidly while they  exchange wary glances. Blaise is whispering something quick to Pansy, who looks the most panicky of them all and Theo acts like he always does, when under his fathers watch; obedient.

"Is there a meeting?" Draco inquires as cool as he can manage.

"The dark lord will arrive shortly, so hurry up. Change into your cloaks." Nott Sr. orders and they wave their wands over their heads to leave them in their army uniform. The man ushers them out of the room, while Pansy gives them one last look full of panic.

Draco basically crushed Sage's hand when they walk through the manor. Her heartbeat picks up with every step, but on the outside she appears collected. They all do, but if one looks at the little details, the nervousness is noticable. Blaise blinks a few times more than usual and even Theo has some sweat building up on his forehead.

In the study, the snake looking toad is already present, standing at the head of the table with an excited look. Sage's stomach drops deeper at the sight and now she is also squishing Draco's hand.

"There is no need to sit today." He announces before anyone of them has the thought of doing so. "You four will go on a mission to acquire something, that is very important to me, and therefore to you. The order has stolen the sword of Gryffindor from one of our vaults and maintain it in one of their safe houses under strong watch. Today, only the weakest links are present, which makes an attack the most feasible. The location is at the Diggory house. I expect you to bring the sword back to me, so do whatever you need to do."

That is exactly, what Sage has been fearing. Not just the last week or so, but ever since she has received the mark. Before she walked around with it, but she didnt have to act like a death eater.

Follow his orders.

It feels so fucking real now. It is happening and it is wrong, so abnormally wrong. She cant help him achieve some kind of success through her. She cant bear to help him. She doesnt even believe in his cause.

"Theo, my boy, I know you will not disappoint me and lead this all. Teach Sage how it is done, since she is new to this. Harsh consequences will await, if my orders are not being followed, right Sage?" He eyes her knowingly.

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