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"Blossom, have you seen my cloak?" Draco asks again while repeadetly looking around the room for it. Besides said cloak he is ready for the day, unlike Sage, who has some finishing touches to do.

"For the fifth time, no." Sage replies calmly as she comes out of the bathroom and grabs her tie on her way to the mirror.

He exasperatedly sighs and throws his head back. "I cant find it."

"I gathered as much," she mutters while focussing on tying her tie.

He looks at her impatiently through the mirror. "Youre not helping with that."

She diverts her sight to him in the mirror, earnest with a tinge of amusement. "I'm sorry. Where do you put it usually?"

He sighs again with his hands to his hips. "My trunk when I come back. I havent unpacked yet or else it would hang on the coatrack like it is suppossed to." His eyes wander to the rack next to the door and they narrow on it. "Where yours hangs right now." He nearly pouts like a child and Sage has to supress a smile and turns back to her tie.

"Where have you had it before we left?" She questions further in a light tone.

He pinches the bridge of his nose. "I dont know. I dont remember packing it."

"Then it must be in your old dorm." She concludes logically as she adjusts her tie to sit properly, then turns her body to face him.


Old dorm.

Of course.

"Never in my seven years of school, scrap that, never in my whole life have I misplaced something." He utters quite peeved while running a stressed hand through his hair.

She immediatly goes to fix it, a little smile tugging at her lips. "What happened the day before we left?"

He looks her in the eyes and bites his lip as he tries to remember. Not long and his eyes widen in realisation. "No wonder I cant find it."

She pecks his lips, then pats his chest. "I'll go get it. I need to grab my bag there anyway. We can meet in the Great Hall then." Sage suggests as she walks towards the door, grabbing her own cloak before opening the door.

He quickly grabs his bag and follows her step. "No, I'll come with you. Last time you talked to Koldings you ended up in the hospital wing."

"That was my own doing." Sage reminds him.

He takes her hand in his while they make their way out of the empty common room. "Still dont trust him." He shrugs his shoulders. "But you do have a history of tripping. Do you need walking lessons or-or that thing that babies sit in? What is that called?" He pretends to ponder about it, the corner of his lips tugging up slightly.

She rubs between her brows. "A walk-"

"A walker, right." He nods along, his smile only getting bigger.

"Oh youre so funny. Its not my fault when things just lie around on the ground." She ignorantly explains with full knowledge that he is right.

"Or you have two left feet," he banters further and swings their arms between them.

She squints her eyes at him. "Whatever lets you sleep at night."

She says the password to the portrait and they enter the commonroom. It is desolate apart from a few younger students, who look at them too long for their liking. Some menacing glares from both Draco and Sage are enough to let them cower away. They hurry to her earlier dorm since she doesnt want to spend unnecessary time here.

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