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"Aw, you all look lovely." Narcissa greets over the lot that just arrived back in London at the Zabini townhouse. "So refreshed and sunkissed."

Both mothers are giving a warm welcome as soon as the group of eight entered the dining room, lots of hugs and kisses are shared, gifts distributed and compliments given here and there.

"How did you like Italy all to yourself? Tell us all that happened." Nalani urges when they finally take place at table to have lunch.

"It was great." Blaise begins, "Italy was beautiful as was the mansion. Thank you again Narcissa." He smiles his charming smile towards her. When Draco clears his throat, Blaise rolls his eyes and adds a half-assed. "Yeah, yeah, you too. Anyway- we discovered the town since all the girly girls here didnt know it, we had good food, one time we got dragged through every bakery by Sage and Draco and I think I have been scarred by how much sweet stuff these two can eat, oh- Theo and Draco proposed and we went to a winery which was the most funny thing that happened- oww..."

Blaise receives a sharp whack with a napkin on the arm, coming from Nalani sitting at the head of the table, left to him.

"Oh my, I think I'm gonna faint." Narcissa breathes, holding the back of her hand to her forehead for effects. Draco tends to her, putting an arm to her shoulder since he is sitting right next to her and she immediatly looks to him, like realising that he is even here. "Is that true?"

"Yeah, we have been drunk like never before." Theo replies before can get a word in, not catching the hint at all, "I mean we drink a lot, but that definitely took the cake. I'm still kind of sorry for the trouble we made on the way back."

"Oww, would you stop hitting me for Merlin's sake. Theo shut the fuck up, please."

"Blaise is supposed to be the oblivious one, Theo." Pansy comments, shaking her head disapprovingly.

Instead of using words, Sage and Maeve simply holds their left hand up for Narcissa to see for herself, and her hand immediatly flies to cover her mouth, Nalani seeing it as well with a 'not bad' look, holding Sage's hand to get a better look at the ring, since she is closer in reach.

"Not just one, but two of my boys are getting married?" Narcissa looks near tears. "This is better than I could have ever imagined." She stands up to kiss each boys' cheek as well as studying Maeve's ring.

"Congratulations kids." Nalani says. "We will have great fun planning the weddings."

That much Sage knew. She wont have to lift a finger, just walk down the altar one day with everthing set to go. Especially Narcissa is experienced in organising such things.

"We will." Narcissa agrees. "Oh, I still cant believe it."

Nalani gasps like she just got the greatest idea. "You know what would be fun? A joined wedding, maybe in the summer."

"No." Both couples disagree in an instant.

"Besides, we dont plan on having a wedding just yet, so you have no worry." Sage explains, with Draco nodding along.

They have discussed this shortly that they are in no rush and a summer wedding is just something they cant agree with.

"The same with us." Maeve divulges, but that does not cast down the excited spirit of both women.

"But it will be this year," Nalani decides. "A wedding in fall could be pretty too, or winter. Cissy, I was at one a couple years ago- Warrington if I remember correctly, and with some more skill like we have, it would have looked fantastic."

"Winter would be fitting. I already have a color palette in mind." Pansy ropes herself in to no surprise. She has made clear that she will be highly involved with their wedding plans.

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