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"I don't know what I'm supposed to do," Blaise groans, dropping his head between his forearms that are propped on the counter as he sits on a barstool. "I'm at a loss. Torn between yes or no."

"I would say do it," Draco shrugs his shoulders at his best mate, pouring tea for the both of them as well as for Sage. "Man up and get what you want."

Rain is pattering relentlessly against the glass windows, casting a gloomy vibe, which is just perfect. Proving day after day how perfect their location of home is.

Blaise gives him a blank stare from across the kitchen island, palms falling flat on the cold surface. "That's an easy thing to say."

Draco opens his mouth to say 'and easy to do', but his eyes connect with the ones of his luminous wife, that has just walked into their conversation.

Avani is being breastfed at the moment, which is covered by a cloth, though Draco can see the dark hair peeking through from their six-month old baby.

Of course it was easy for him. Draco knew ever since he laid eyes on his Blossom-she is his forever. Always has been.

His heart picks up a beat when she sends him a quick smile before swinging her arm around their guests neck, taking him in for a short, gentle side hug.

"Hey big head, I didn't know you would come by."

He smiles back in greeting, holding onto her forearm for a brief moment as she hugs him. "Just dropping by. How is the mother of our circle doing?"

"Perfect," she replies, smiling a smile that reaches her eyes. A smile Draco can't get enough of.

His radiant, perfect other half.

He comes up behind her, a hand on her shoulder as he kisses the side of her head. "Why are you down here?"

He is merely being curious. Usually when she feeds, she likes to stay in one place. Not walk around the house.

"My arse hurts from all the sitting and I heard people talking downstairs so I got curious," she explains, eyes looking up at him, big and bright, "or nosey. And I'm hungry."

"What do you want to eat?"

"A muffin is fine."

He smiles, gives her another kiss to her temple and as he goes over to do as she requested, her eyes lock with dark ones.

"So, what is it that you two talked about?"

His face turns grim as he says, "Daphne."

Which leads Sage to widen her eyes. "Don't tell me you cheated on her."

"Wha—nooo," Blaise looks genuinely offended. "Thank you for thinking so lowly of me."

"Well, you look so serious, as if you fucked up."

Draco places a small plate with a chocolate muffin infront of her as well as a cup of peppermint tea, for which she thanks him with a small smile.

"I didn't," Blaise presses, jaw set tight, "but I fear that I might."

Her eyes widen impossibly more, almost chocking on the piece of muffin she picked. "You plan on cheating on her?"

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