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"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere fun." Sage replies, looking in direction of their destination she and Draco are heading hand in hand.

"Alone?" Draco asks suggestively.

"Not really."

Draco stops, resulting in her to do the same. Her perplexed look is wiped off when his free hand cups the side of her neck and his lips connect with hers. She surrenders immediatly, letting him deepen the kiss and making her knees feel weak.

"You sure?" He asks, smirking his smirk and brushing his thumb over her cheek.

He is extremely handsome with his lips swollen from kissing hers.

"Yeah." Sage breathes. She barely got to catch her breath when he dips in again with same fervor.

She nearly stumbles into him, so she wraps an arm around his neck while her other hand is still entwined with his.

"I'll ask again, are you sure?" His voice turned husky with lust.

Now that is fucking attractive. And how he is turned on just by kissing her is fucking attractive.

"Still a yeah." Sage replies, their lips brushing.

Draco chuckles briefly before going in for another one, seeing this as a challenge. He cant convince her, but she will take any and every kiss she can get from him, especially when they are this passionate.

She presses her body closer, going on her tip toes, but letting him have full control. A sound that could be interpreted as a little moan flows into his mouth and a smile forms against her lips.

While catching her bottom lip between his teeth, he pulls back a bit, watching it bounce back into place.

His eyes land back on hers, much darker then they were to begin with.

"Still a no." Draco pouts. "How much more convincing do you need, because I can do that forever."

If it wasnt for where they are about to go, she would let him spark that deliciously good feeling in her core to its full potential.

Sage pecks him a couple more times before she rolls back on her heels and retracts her arm from around his neck.

"Come on then." She begins to walk down the small trail of trees again, taking Draco with her by their clasped hand.

"This gotta be worth it."

"It so is." Sage has a pep in her step when they finally reach the sanctuary for lost and hurt creatures, run by Ravinia. "When we were doing potions Ravinia mentioned that we could check them out."

"I dont think-"

Draco isnt able to finish before Ravinia approaches them with a delighted smile. Sage looks questioning at Draco. He appears frozen in place with his eyes wide and staring at the hippogriff walking around a good couple feet away.

It reminds her how he reacted when Reina first told them that her mother takes care of some creatures. And then there is the incident in third year.

The simple use of common sense and bam; Draco is scared.

"You came." Ravinia cheers. "I cant wait to show you around. We have some cute ones here that I'm sure you will love." She starts to head in direction of the eagle-horse mix with shining chestnut hair and feathers, under the impression that the couple will follow.

Sage feels Draco's hand hold hers much tighter by that proposition. He backs away and Sage turns to face him fully.

"I ca- I cant, Blossom. I'm sorry, I cant even step a foot closer. It will kill me." His eyes dart back and forth from Sage to the hippogriff in panic that it might come near him. "I really cant. This is-no, I cant."

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