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Sage wanders around the castle and the grounds, trying to clear her head.

Once again everything seems so overwhelming. The grief of losing her sister, the guilt of bearing that wretched mark and that other feeling she cant pinpoint, but is always there when she thinks of Draco.

She sits down on a slope on the grounds. It is quite cloudy, which is something she has always prefered. The gloominess—it has something unpredictable about it.

She leans on the palm of her hands behind her and just thinks. Someone told her it is the best way to cope and she finds herself trusting that someone more and more.

Draco and her have grown so much closer in the last few months, which in itself is surprising, but in no way a bad thing. Before they were rather withdrawn from each other, for no ill intent. It has just been their prefered kind of relationship. Or another reason which she does not want to admit to herself, yet. But now they entrusted each other with their secrets. They have these fun little ventures. They always seem to be around each other. Like magnets.

She likes when he is around.

She likes herself when he is around.

She likes him.

But in what way? Would she allow herself to like him more than a friend? That thought always manifests itself in her head.


There is no need for any romances. Those kind of things never last. There is always some kind of tragedy and at least one is heartbroken then. Besides, Draco has most likely no interest. Why else would he not kiss her.

They are just friends.

Friends. Her sister was her friend. The two have always had the most fun growing up. She remembers them running around the house. Asking the house elves to make them extra cake. Sitting in their own library and reading about magic they wanted to try once they were able to. Once they went to Hogwarts.

She didn't even realise that it startet raining. Or that a few tears escaped her eyes.

God, does it feel refreshing.

Like a cleansing to her thoughts.

And the earth is crying with her.

From the outside it might seem weird that someone is sitting under the pouring rain. But who cares? There is about to be a war and in this moment, Sage feels free. She can smile at some of the memories with her sister.

She can smile at the thought of her sister.

A tearful smile.

But it doesn't hurt so bad anymore.

So she sits in the rain in desolation. Thinking, crying, getting soaked.

And then—like magnets—a certain someone appears next to her. He looks ridiculous with his expensive outfit in the rain. But he finds himself enjoying the moment. It always is enjoyable with her.

His arms are propped on his knees and he just basks in the moment. Feel the rain, the heavy pounding of his heart, the goosebumps from the cold air and the warm feeling from inside.

After a while they coincidentally look at each other and smile brightly. Like giddy little kids sneaking candy. He never saw her smile like that. So brightly. So free of trouble. It is captivating and so beautiful. 

He has fallen head over heels.

"Willow would have loved this. She always loved the rain, just like me." She speaks over the heavy downpour, still smiling so much it must hurt at this point.

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