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Sage rings the doorbell to the Nott's house, her cheeks turned bright pink from the bitter cold blanketing the whole country.

A big christmas wreath adorning the black door with green and red, which opens with a big swing.

Theo stands, grinning and arms wide open. "The Malfoy's. What a pleasure. Welcome back!

"Half a Nott. Pleasure to be here." Draco greets him.

"Dont just stand there, come in, come in. Oh, what is that?"

Gingerbread cookies and good food fill her nose, letting the christmas warmth spread through her.

"Some cookies I made." Sage replies, holding the cookie box out for him, which he excitedly takes.

"Are they for us?"

"No, I planned on eating them later and you can all watch."

He rolls his eyes at her sarcasm.

"Thank you. That wasnt necessary, but totally appreciated and always welcome to make more."

Draco helps take her coat off before doing the same to his. And that is when he realises, a loud gasp making the corner of her lips tug up impishly.

"Go change!" He orders Theo, who is laughing at the fact that they wear identical v-neck sweaters in a festive dark red. They even styled it the same with a white button up pocking through and black pants.

That wasnt planned, but makes it all the more funnier.

"I'm not changing."

"This is your house. You can easily change. I would have to go back home." Draco argues infuriated.

"No one needs to change."

"Oh, yes. I wont spends this evening looking like twins. This is embarrasing."

"I wont change. I like this and Maeve told me to wear it- so, you see my problem here."

Draco turns to Sage, who is doing a bad job at hiding her smile. "You evil little witch." He looms over her, pointing a finger. "You put us up to this."

"Smart. Oh-gotta go." Theo gives kudos before jogging off to the kitchen where he has been summoned by his wife.

Draco stays focussed on his, demanding an answer.

"I only thought this would look good on you." She isnt lying with that.

Something about that sweater makes her want to rip it off and drag her teeth on his chest. And its not even something special. He has worn plenty of stuff like that.

Draco rolls his tongue along his teeth. "You sure you didnt want to just humiliate me?"


Sage shakes her head, chin high to meet his eyes as he looms over her. "I will not declare myself guilty."

He squints his eyes, that have a flicker of humour in them. "I dont believe you."

"Your word against mine." Sage pecks his lips before taking his hand and following the commotion coming from the kitchen.

"Hello, you two." Narcissa greets them each with a hug. "How have you been?"

"Excellent." Sage replies with a telling smile.

"Yeah, I bet." Maeve chimes in. "Tell me, where did your honeymoon take place?"

"You mean country or...?" Draco trails off, side-eying his mother, who went back to helping around the kitchen.

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