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"Willard." Draco mulls over the name. "It's not a man, is it?"

They are currently in an examination room, waiting for her lady doctor to find out if she is truly pregnant, despite the three positive tests taken last night.

"My gynecologist? No, she's a woman." Her eyes wander around the room, inspecting the different posters and all. The ones about pregnancies have her attention unlike all the times before that she has been in this place. "I don't feel too comfortable with a man looking up my vagina-besides you."

"Good girl." The smirk shines through his voice.

Sage slowly turns her head in his direction, the disgusted look making him gulp. "Stick that stupid good girl back up your ass." She mimicks his voice at the little phrase.

"Yes, sir." He nods once.

Her head tilts to the side, an incredulous scoff passing her lips. "Did you just call me sir?"

His eyes widen, gulping. "No, I said ma'am."

"You said sir. I clearly heard you say sir." Sage presses on, her tone hard. "Do I look like a fucking man to you right now?"

He shakes is head vigorously. "N-No, of course not. I-I-"

"Then why the fuck did you just call me sir?" Her tone remains hard-unforgiving.

A heavy sigh is pushing out his chest, eyes going wide as he desperately tries to come up with an answer that won't insult his hormonal wife.

And then the door opens.

Thank fuck.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Malfoy." Dr. Willard pronounces the name curiously, since it's the first time of them seeing each other after the wedding. The doctor sends Sage a warm smile. "It's good to see you again."

"Good to see you, too, Dr. Willard." Sage sends her a warm smile back, mood shifted completely.

"And you must be Mr. Malfoy." The doctor reaches over Sage, who is laying on the examination table, to shake his hand. He shakes back light and firm.

"The husband, correct." Draco smiles cordially.

He still get's butterflies saying that.


He could blurt it out to the entire world.

Dr. Willard quickly checks the charts in her hand before putting them aside. "I gather we're here to find out if you're pregnant."

"Yes." The pair nod their heads, excited and nervous.

"Alright then. Do you experience naseau? Fatigue?" Dr. Willard questions as she sits on a stool next to the examination table. Sage nods 'yes' to both symptomps.

"Dizziness, mood swings, food aversions, high body temperature." Draco lists the other ones he took notice of. "Oh-and of course-missed her period."

Dr. Willard looks at him somewhat astounded, for being so heedful. "That sounds like we got a pregnancy on our hands, but why don't we check? You may lift your shirt, dear."

Sage lets go of Draco's hand to do as she was told, exposing her unchanged stomach, before reaching for it again. A cold, clear lubricant is squirted on her lower stomach before the transducer is being pressed on it, moving around.

And there it is.

The small heartbeat that confirms it.

Sage and Draco simultaniously squeeze each others hand when they hear it from the sonogram, sharing an unbelieving look.

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