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December 8th, 2000

Little pads on the floor wake Draco just enough to let him know that someone is coming his way.

He turns his head away from his wife and in direction to the door, where in the moonlit dark, a tiny frame can be made out, holding a stuffed ferret animal in one hand.

His lips upturn into a very tired smile, barely awake, as he is watching his baby girl pad the rest of the way to his side, since it's the closest to the door.

It's not rare that Avani comes over at night. She falls asleep in her own crib, but has a secure way to leave it. And that she does.

Gently, Draco detangles his arms from around Sage and picks up their one year old daughter, laying her in the middle of her parents.

Her face snuggles into his chest, already back asleep and he lifts the blanket up enough to cover them. Then, his arm drapes over his wife's waist, also giving warmth and protection to Avani in the embrace.

Sage stirs a little, instinctually drapes her arm over their baby and moves her head more to his side as if she's looking for him and his forehead leans against hers.

Sighing contendly, he falls back asleep to the sound and feel of his wifes breaths with their daughter right between.

Several hours later, he blinks his eyes awake when his internal clock chimes. It's light enough outside that he can make out the silhoutte of his one and his only Blossom.

Every morning he asks himself how in the world he got so lucky to have the woman of his dreams by his side. Every morning he is fascinated by the realisation of what kind of life he lives.

Every. Morning.

And he'll damn himself if he ever stops.

Two years ago exactly, he said yes to her. Two years ago he fulfilled his own young boy's fantasy. Two years of a marriage that flows so easily, it feels like they've been doing it all their life.

It felt right before it even started—that's the best way to describe it.

Out of all the things in his past, out of all the pain and suffering, out of all the broken pieces, Sage was the most purest and whole thing he has had, even when she didn't feel like it herself at the time.

And she continues to be exactly that.

Strands of her deep, dark brown hair have fallen over her cheek and it is already second nature for him to brush it aside.

Merlin's fucking tit—no artist has ever achieved such perfection.

Lightly pressing his lips to her forehead, Draco slides steadily out of the hold of his two girls and covers them back up with the blanket.

And as quiet as possible, he slips into the bathroom, stripping himself naked and entering the shower.

He does his routine, not dwelling under the invitingly warm water, even when his mind drifts off. When he remembers the shower him and Sage took last week. How he got on his knees...

He snuck in when he put Vani down for a nap. That's how it is most of the time. Very spontaneous and a little rushed, because with a baby sleeping two rooms away, it isn't the same as before.

And asking their friends to babysit just so they can fuck? They allow that to themselves only a handful of times.

Excitement stirs when he thinks about tonight—what he has planned. It's been a while since they had a night like that, so that will be fun.

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