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Stood in front of the mirror, Sage is fixing the tie that goes to the schoolgirl outfit.

Now this one is much more sluttier.

The occasion for this? The first of september. When the first day back to Hogwarts approached, Draco mentioned once how it is a shame she will never get to wear a school uniform anymore, because they won't return this year.

What he means by that is how they wore their uniforms half the time they fucked in Hogwarts. In the library, a random alclove, the dungeons, potions classroom—you name it.

He found her sexy in her normal uniform. She can only imagine what would happen if he sees her in her old one transfigured extensively shorter where her butt is just covered—when she stands.

Slipping on black heels for the finishing touch, Sage reaches for the doorhandle. She takes a deep breath. Gathers her courage. She can't believe she is really doing this.

But this is for him.

A present, you could say.

She will let him do whatever he wants.

The best thing is, he has no clue about it. Waiting in bed with book in hand for her to come out the bathroom and then go to sleep in each others arms.

But that won't happen for a while at least.

That is, if he even gets turned on by this.

With the smallest of chances, he could be laughing in her face. They have never done anything like that before—dress up. Sure, she wore lingerie, something appealing for the eye, but nothing like this before.

What is she talking about, it's Draco. He is one horny fucker for her and the other way around.

And as suspected, sitting in bed, nicely tucked in the blanket and patiently waiting for her. His eyes immediatly fall to her when he hears the door opening and the book falls out of his hands.

She holds the doorframe to their ensuite with one hand, her leg positioned sexily infront the other to pose the most appealing.

Arousement flows through her when he is eating her up with just his eyes, wetting his lips.

His eyes finally land back on hers. "You are so fucking hot."

"You like it?" She puts on her bedroom voice, taking steps towards him.

He gets out of the blanket and stands up, his eyes trying to stay on hers but they always fall down to her body—or more so her costume, taking in every detail she put in.

Knee high socks, the very short skirt, shortened button down knotted right between her breasts and revealing part of the black bra, the tie.

The tie.

He smirks, glidimg the soft fabric between his fingers.

Green and silver.

Gently pushes him back on the so he is sitting at the edge, smirking that he is hard already, Sage turns around and...

—she, again, cant believe she is doing this—

...bends down to pick up the book that has fallen to the floor.

"Oh—fuck." He borderline moans, his warm breath hitting her bare pussy. "Are you trying to kill me."

Heat rises to her cheeks.

To let him have the full experience, Sage wiggles her hips in a seductive and promising kind of way before slowly straightening her back again and turning around, handing him the book.

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