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Light brushes of fingertips slowly wake Sage up and she cant help the corners of her mouth that tug up immediatly at the sight of Draco next to her. She cant imagine not waking up to something so perfect anymore.

She really did it. She really committed to this. She finally feels peace at mind.

"Where you watching me?" Sage croaks with half open eyes.

He grins sluggishly, tuking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Admiring, Blossom."

His raspy voice is something she could get used to—scrap that, get addicted to.

He takes her hand to press a kiss on her palm, his brows furrowing when he sees, that something is bugging her. "Talk to me."

Sage sighs and tears up the slightest, the corners of her mouth turning down a little as well, barely noticable but of course he sees it.

He strokes her cheek with his thumb, his hand resting on her jaw. "Hey, hey what is going on? Please talk to me."

Sage breathes out heavily to gain some control over herself. Since when is she such a crybaby?

"You're not regretting last night, are you?" The panic in his voice pangs her heart, because the thought of regretting anything has not once crossed her mind. He is anything and everything she wants.

"No, no. Gosh, no. Never in a million years." Sage smoothes out the frowning lines between his brows, though frowning herself. "I'm just—I'm sorry, for everything."

"Don't be." He is fast to ease her nerves, his hand caressing her face.

Sage puts a hand on his. "But I am. I'm sorry for treating you like I did, for ignoring you and pushing you away. It was horrible and not acceptable."

"That is not necessary. I never–" he gets shushed by a finger on his lips.

"I'm also sorry for saying that you are no exception. That is so far from the truth because you are probably the exception of my life," she says. "I'm sorry, Draco. I really am. I wasn't fair."

Tears developing again and she feels stupid for it. He should be crying, not her. She was an ass to him, not the other way around. She ignored him. He hasn't mentioned a word to her about it, not even once made her feel bad for how she was acting, only criticising it when it truly got ridiculous.

"Apology accepted," his tone is gentle, kind. "I can see where you're coming from—however, I was never mad at you for it. I was in the same boat as you were. I knew how and why you were feeling so I got it."

"How were you so sure I felt the same?" Sage interrogates, because in her mind there was nothing to go off of from her side.

"You remember when you got initiated in the summer?" Sage nods her head. "Right before it was happening you looked frantically around in search of someone. That someone being—"

"You." Sage breaths in rememberance. Now Draco nods.

Theo and Blaise were also present but Sage searched in panic for him. She can't explain it and at the time she could barely focus on that fact.

Maybe when her head was overloaded with panic, her heart took control.
Maybe she just wanted to see his beautiful, comforting eyes.
Maybe she was fond of him for longer than she recalls.

"That was enough for you to go off?" She inquires in intrigue.

"No, then there was when you broke down on the astronomy tower and you let me comfort you, despite us not being that close. I heard you smelled me in your amortentia, but that is not too significant. All the small things too. The lingering looks and the small touches." He drags his fingers up and down her arm and the tingles all throughout her body follow soon after. "Maybe it was wishful thinking, but that is not what just friends do."

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