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"Did not."


"Did not."

"Abso–fucking–lutely did."

"Okay, alright, maybe I did sleep with Macmillan." Sage throws some Berti Botts at Theo. "Will you shut up about it already?"

He catches one with his mouth as he slides along the headboard with his back. "Thats all I wanted. And since when do you shag someone so demure? A hufflepuff no less."

"It has been a rough couple of months, alright," she throws another bean from where she's leaning on a bedpost, intentionally aiming for his stomach. "Don't act as if you haven't had your fair share of puffies."

Sage has always been blunt and open. Her rather active sex life is no secret and she owns it. She likes to have fun, to experience, to not committ. It is more easy that way.

"The puffies are a nice little change every now and then. Gotta keep my palette divers, you know. Some innocent, some down and dirty." His brows shortly raise and his bottom lip is caught between his lips.

All it does it make her throw a handfull of the candy at him and they bounce off in all directions. "Dont make that stupid face, or I will have to hex it away."

Unphased by her threat, he looks around at the floor. "You will have to clean that."

"You know I wont."

"Use magic."

"You use magic."

With a sigh, Theo flicks his wand and the beans vaporate into nothing. He has learned early on that she will sit and stubbornly retort back to him until the sun comes up again. Sage smirks triumphantly, rubbing it in his face how wrapped up she has him around her finger.


That nickname she will never get over. Years ago, he pestered her with the age old question of what her favourite color is. She had told him blue, it changed over time and he stills calls her it.


"How do you cope with that mark of yours? I remember the first weeks I got it, it itched and burned like fucking hell."

Just at the mention of it, she has to refrain from trying to scratch it off her arm. "Yeah it does do that. Despising every molecule of my father for it is a way to cope for now," Sage fidgets with her hands instead. "And occlumency—as far as my talents let me."

It has not been weeks, but a few months since her initiation and the itch will not disappear nor lighten. Sometimes it gets so bad she scrapes until she hits flesh. Should she ever go further than that she knows she has completely lost her mind. A couple nice scars will now forever be displayed on her skin surrounding that wretched mark. 

Her left forearm weighs heavy on her body ever since that day. A burden forced on her.

"Hey," he throws a pillow at her. "You can always come to me, alright. Talk your soul out and I will listen to every syllabel, Blue. You know it."

"I know you will. Its just the guilt stuff that gets me. I may not be a worshiper of Harry, but that doesnt mean I condone the beliefs of that snake. But I must appear that I do or I am a traitor and—"

She gets interrupted by Blaise and Draco strutting into their dorm room. They are not surprised by her presenece since she is basically a roommate by this point. More often than not she sits with them, her three boys, that she would do anything for, like they will do anything for her.

Even as a Gryffindor, it does not deter her from spending as much time with him as they can get. Most Slytherins dont even care that one from the rival house comes and goes through their quarters and even if they did, she wouldnt care.

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