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The next days, Sage has gotten quite the looks from her fellow housemates. Some are scornful, some confused and curious, but most dont care. She can shake them off with ease, but Draco and Theo are giving out more death stares than usual.

What kind of looks aggravate her, are the ones from girls directed to Draco. It might be petty of Sage, but Cadie tries so hard to be enticing. How she bats her lashes and curls a strand of hair on their fingers. Fuck, she could rip her hair out, jinx her into another galaxy.

She cant stand her.

She is not ceasing her attempts, despite the clear relationship he is in. How desperate can one get?

Draco, however, does not take notice of it. He would talk to her like normal, which only peeves Sage more. Is he really that blind? There is nothing to worry about, she knows, but she just aggravates her.

Sage keeps a cool front, but internally, she is fuming everytime.

She also hasnt had the chance yet to confront it. Its always from across the room and short enough to make Sage look like an overly jealous girlfriend, should she react.

"Blossom." His voice pulls her out her daydream.

"Huh?" She looks around, a little lost for a moment.

He slings his bag over his shoulder. "Class is done."

"Oh, right." She scrambles to her feet and gathers her stuff in her bag, slinging it over like he did.

He takes her hand and they walk out, now being the last one. "Are you okay?"

She smiles at him, a genuine one. At the end of the day, he is hers. "Fantastic."

He gives the side of her forehead a kiss. "We have a free period."

"I know. We could go into the library and do homework. It will safe us time later." She suggest as they walk down a corridor, some students strewn around.

"Are you up for something more fun?" He pulls her into an unused classroom, a hangout spot for students at times.

Doing it here would be... fun.

"Dont tell me twice." She says excitedly and gives his butt a firm squeeze, right as they  enter the room. He jolts forward and closes the door.

"You gotta stop doing that in public." He says in a hushed tone, while looking at her with a 'really?' look.

She loves how much she can faze him with such a simple gesture.

"Where's the fun in that?" She looks up through her lashes as she loosens her tie.

He does the same to his, a smirk playing on his lips, before they slam onto hers. Tongues roaming each others mouths until they move in sync, cherishing the taste.


She steps backwards until her butts comes in contact with a desk. She sits herself down while they kiss desirously. She pulls at his shirt as her legs wrap around his hips to get closer and his bulge is growing rapidly.

She bites his lip as she feels her underwear getting damp. He moans into her mouth and that crazes her even more.

She wants him bad.

The kissing developes more passionate, their hands are entangled in each others hair and she tugs at his roots. He emits another moan and she cant wait anymore.

"Draco, now please."

Her legs remove themselves from around him and he quickly unbuckles his belt and drops his pants along with his boxers, not ceasing the devouring of their lips. He picks her up and sits himself down, so she is straddeling his lap.

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