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The first thing to see when waking up being the peaceful face of Sage is the most fulfilling thing Draco can imagine.

He could watch her all day.

The dark brown hair sprawled around her sleeping face. Her lips parted the slightest, where little puffs of her breath come out. Her perfect lashes, that if they were to flutter open, would reveal the purest green eyes.

He can't quite believe that he gets to just admire her everyday.

Her dainty fingers, that rest elegantly next to her head, adorning the ring that promises a future together. Seeing it always makes him giddy.

He traces the side of her face with his fingertip like a feather, along the delicate features of her that he has memorised to a tee. His fingertip moves on to her left cheek, where she has five moles, far apart, but if one would have at least one single braincell, it is clear that those darker spots form a circle.

But they are not only there. He can see some on her collarbone and her arm, that lays over the quilt covers. Her right arm has the most though. He can't see right now, but he knows she has a prominent one at the backside of her thigh and on her spine. Even all the smaller ones dotting her skin, he knows by heart.

Every little detail, every little facet that makes her her is imprinted into his mind. He could clone her if he had the tools for it.

It's hard to say which part he loves the most. Every single one has the utmost love that he can submit, yet he thinks he isn't even showing her enough. That he is simply not capable of showing the infinite love that consumes him all.

He wonders how he managed to keep it away all this time.

And her scent, fuckthat has him on his knees for her. The flowery essence of magnolia, that has a tang of sweetness became his home long before he even realised. It makes his mind go all fuzzy.

He feels love sick—the best kind of sick there is.

Sage is stirring in her sleep, moving her hand to rub her eyes free from sleep. She slowly opens her them to be greeted by a gorgeous smile, that she returns.

"Kiss me," she says in a hoarse whisper, a smile touching her lips.

Draco does not hesitate to dip his head and catch that smile away. His arm snakes around her waist to pull her closer, their limbs tangling.

"2nd of march." He smiles against her lips. "The very day that I will forever and ever and ever cherish."

Sage runs her fingers through his messy bed hair. "Is that so?"

"I would say the day my person," kiss to the nose "my other half," kiss to the cheek. "my soulmate," kiss to the other cheek "my love" kiss on the chin "has been born, would be one I will hold most valuable."


And she just woke up.

"Happy birthday, Blossom."

She pulls him in for another kiss. It is soft and appreciative. Way better than a simple thank you, so he thinks.

His tongue begs for entrance and she grants it, deepening the kiss and curving her body further into his. They get the first and most innocent taste of one another for the day.

It doesnt take long for everything to get heated and more passionate, little moans flowing and hips bucking. Draco's hand slowly moves from her back to between her legs, grazing her skin and creating a field of goosebumps on the way.

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