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Bright rays of the sun warm the skin of eight arrivers at the stony pathway to the Malfoy's Mansion somewhere in south italy.

Draco has one arm around the shoulders of his girlfriend, sharing flirtatious glances with her, in his other hand a bag that definitely has the extension charm on it.

Blaise and Theo are like little children, hopping around each other messily and ahead of everyone, totally hyped to be here. They have been numerous times, so Draco told Sage, but their excitement cant be held under control.

Theo has been over the moon when Draco announced what they would do for the next week. He himself forgot about that request he made over christmas for everyone of them going to the place where wine is made, but at the word italy it ringed again.

And its true, the little vineyard could be seen from the hills they climbed to get to the residence.

As soon as the big doors to the residence open, a cold breeze is alleviating the heat of the pale skin of Sage. Even in the early afternoon it is burning hot.

A big contrast to the Malfoy Manor back in England, the interior is mostly cream and white colored, a lot of stone integrated as well as walnut wood. Light and breezy- fitting for a vacation home.

A bunch of whoops and wows fill the air as everyone takes in the place.

"Alright, take rooms whereever you like, switch every night for all I care, but the master is ours." Draco tells them, heading up the stairs with Sage behind him, holding onto his hands.

"Theo and me will take my old room." Blaise jokes, referring to how they used to sleep in one bed at the Russo's. Something he has bragged about loads of times to their friendgroup.

Theo taking two steps at a time races up the stairs and past Blaise. "You will never let that go, will you?"


Despite his words, Sage sees Blaise claim a room with Daphne before she disappears into a room herself, the door swiftly closed behind Draco.

Before she can even take in the surroundings, she is swept up into Draco's lips, her back crashing against the door. She giggles at the abruptness and he takes that as an invite to deepen the kiss, smiling into it.

She could never get enough of him.

She tugs him closer by the fabric of his t-shirt, trying to get control herself and moving her tongue with his. He has his arm beside her head, his other hand squeezing her waist, and before he can lock his knee between her legs to keep her in place, something he always does, Sage pullls away. She slips away, taking off her dress as she does so.

Draco's furrowed brows smooth out when she vanishes through yet another doorway after seductively biting her lip at him.

He could use a shower.

In a matter of seconds are his clothes flying around the room and he can hear the shower being turned on. He is not going too waste a second with her.

His heartbeat picks up when he sees her head tilted back to wet it, streaks of water running down her curves of perfection. Its not fair how utterly beautiful is.

And its all his.

He slowly approaches her, positioning his hands on her hips to which she responds by removing her hands from her hair and placing them on his shoulders, growing to the tip of her toes and gazing into his eyes.

Grey clouds full of admiration.

Her heart flutters.

His hands land on her ass, giving it a good squeeze as his lips land back on hers. She sighs, pulling him down to her level and turning them around so he is under the showerhead. He doesnt show his surprise, only kissing her harder and more lustful, his hands roaming her back.

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