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"How many more weddings do we have to attend?" Draco drones. "It's the third in one year."

Sage walks up to the edge of the bed where Draco is currently sitting, doing his cufflinks after he had put on his shoes. Her fingers reach to do the work instead.

"Quite a few, I assume." A small smile creeps on her face when he is locking his ankles behind her to have her trapped. "You don't have to pretend to be annoyed just because it's Potter's we're going to." She can feel his eyes narrow in on her, but she keeps her focus on his shirt sleeve, closing the button underneath his right forearm. "Besides—they all came to ours."

The snort of a laugh leaves his nose, holding up his left arm for her. "Because it was actually worth going to."

"How modest of you." She remarks, lightly, playfully, while pushing the cufflink through the holes.

His right hand caresses her behind, over the fabric of her dress, pulling her closer in the process. "Hey, you fell for it."

Sage rotates the clasp to keep the cufflink in place. "No, I fell for your huge dick."

"Fell for or," his hand smooths over her big bump, smirking brightly, "fell on?"

"Same, same." She shrugs, closing the button. A teasing smirk plays at her lips when their eyes meet, his own pursed. The bow around his neck is sitting uneven, so her hands reach to fix it, along with his collar. "Your tattoo has healed nicely."

A neck tattoo, to be exact. Draco randomly came home with it three weeks ago. He was out with his friends, that's when the idea came to him and he was set on doing it that night, mind you, drunk out of his mind.

Thankfully, Blaise talked him out of it, so she was told, but the very next day Draco went out and got is tattooed-a magnolia blossoming. Doesn't take up too much space, but is a nice little detail. Well the meaning behind it is very much on the nose.

"I look hot, don't I?" He wets his lips as her gaze darkens when she pays close attention to the ink decorating his porcelain skin.

"The perfect asset to swoon over some ladies tonight." Her tone is full of teasing.

"Just what I was going for." He meets her level of playfulness. With arms around her legs, he hugs her as close as possible with the bump. "Are you sure you want to go? We can stay in, I can cook us something and we'll watch a movie while I rub your feet."

While that does sound appealing, she wants to go out for what must be the last time in a while.

Her fingers brush some fallen strands of hair out of the way, finding it hard not to gape at his beauty. "I'm fine, don't worry."

His hold got a possessive feel to it. "I always worry, you know that."

He does indeed. His anxiety around her safety and well-being has gotten pretty bad, not since her pregnancy, but especially in the last few weeks as she nears her due date.

Her hands fall to cup his jaw, thumb brushing over his cheek as the other smooths out the crease between his brows. A soft sigh is pushing out his chest at the simple contact. "Too much for your own good."

Maybe the anxiety around being a father for the rest of his life in a matter of a couple weeks adds to it.

His attention falls to her tummy and Sage has to bite her lip for what is to come. "You little one—you be nice to mommy. There is no need to dance inside her belly like you do everyday, because she will do enough of it on her own."

All Sage can do is smile, her insides coating with a fuzzy feeling.

Draco talks to the baby all the time. He reads to them at night before they go to sleep or chats away when lounging on the couch. He read, the more words they hear, the better their language skills are likely to be later on. And Merlin forbid his kid will lack in anything that he didn't provide.

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