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Sage had a hard time falling asleep and even then the sleep was as good as useless. She feels like shit now, sitting at breakfast with Pansy and Theo. She never feels like that because of some random boy.

But Draco is no random boy.

He is her best friend, her companion, her refuge. He has helped her so much. She didnt even ask him, he just did. He wanted to. They trust each other. So why go and fuck it up by confessing his feelings. And then even have the possibility of her finding out that he didnt mean it, which she did find out.

It all makes no sense.

So she will make of it.

Whatever. She can't let herself be sidetrecked by him, when Voldemort is waiting to make her life a living hell. She has to be on her best game. There is no time and no space for something this complicated.

Sage is better off without Draco.

"Guess who I met yesterday," Sage tells Theo who just scuffed down some eggs at their breakfast. For now its just the two of them with everyone else caught up in whatever.

"My mother," he snorts.

"Well, I reckon you sucked on her nipples as well," Sage blows on her tea before carefully taking a sip.

"Omg, Maeve," Theo exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air out of sheer excitement. "You met Maeve."

"I did," Sage nods, not even surprised that he knew exactly who she was talking about. "Yesterday in the hospital wing. She came by."

Theo is swings one leg around the bench, facing Sage directly. "Well, what do you think? She's awesome isn't she?"

Sage chuckles, feeling a warmth spread through her, that her best friend has found someone like Maeve. On first glance it already seems like the right fit. "She's nice and super easy to get along with. I like how chilled she is, like nothing bothers her too much."

"She's a wild one in bed," Theo grins wickedly. "No one has matched my energy like she does. It's crazy."

"Good for you," Sage pats the back of his hand with a pursed lip smile. That gets wiped off her face as soon as Blaise, Pansy and Draco come to join them, the latter looking exceptionally tired.

No doubt why, asshole.

Her instinct is flight. The amount of vexation she feels is indescribable and unusual towards him, and it only covers the surface of what she feels towards him right now.

She wants to punch in that smile he wears while greeting her, but it seems like her death stare already does that for her. 

"Are you okay?" Draco asks from opposite her, stopping from reaching for a piece of toast.

The worst is, she can't even confront him, because what would that insinuate? That she cares? That she wants him not to sleep around when he gave that whole fucking speech to her? She can't expect that from him when she can't reciprocate his feelings. 

But she doesn't want him to sleep around.

Nothing about this is easy. So many things overlap, she can't paint a clear picture in her head.

Everything was so easy once.

Sage rolls her eyes as she diverts her eyes to Theo. "I forgot something. I'll see you at the train station." 

She makes it a point to not look at Draco while she sees her friends off. He wants to go after her but is held back by Blaise, she can see from the corner of her eyes while making quick steps, taking her flight.

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