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Its the first morning of training.

Theo, Blaise, Draco and Sage actually do have to lead the whole thing. They have gone through extensive training in the summers before seventh year and now they are to build smart fighters themselves.

The huge garden of Russo's Cottage serves as the best place for that. A fairly big grass patch with shrubs and trees edging it practically asks to be used as the training grounds. It is quite chilly outside, seeing as it is late february, but the ground is dry and the sky is gloomy.

No sun, no slip-potential, right atmosphere; perfect conditions.

"Alright everyone." Draco claps his hands, getting the attention of chattering trainees opposite him and the other three. "Today we will have duels—one of you against one of us. That way we can assess what we're working with."

Many children of the Order, no younger than fifteen have to undergo the coaching of starting today. Young Weasley is there with her brothers, Cedric and some cousin of his, Milo Black as well as some other nameless kids.

George shoots Sage a wink as soon as he gets the chance to and she can return it, since no one is threatening to hex her on the spot unlike the day they first arrived at the safe house.

George has always been fun.

"I'm sure Potter has trained you real excellent in your little club a few years back," Theo says with aur around it. "But now you can see how its properly done. None of that Expelliarmus shit. Diggory, you first—with me." He grins excitedly.

"He did more than Expelliarmus," Fred defends Harry, his jaw set.

Both boys position themselves in the middle, while the rest go on one side to watch.

Theo smiles wickedly at Diggory, surely feeling superior. If not, it's the sheer joy of taking part in a challenge. "We'll see."

George saunters over to Sage and swings a lazy arm over her shoulder. She has her arms crossed infront of her, snatching her gaze up to him.

"Oh, Sagie-Sage, a Gryffindor Death Eater?" He quirks a brow, wearing a frisky smile. "You have the ability to leave one speechless."

"I like to have surprises up my sleeve, you know—be unpredictable." She shoots a cheeky smile herself, playing the shame of that dark mark off.

His tongue rolls on the inside of his cheek. "I do know, quite the bombshell, you are." His eyes roam her frame shortly before settling on her face. "You've gotten even more pretty over the time I haven't seen you. You're actually glowing."

Glowing for a reason. Sage flicks her eyes over to Draco next to her, but a loud shriek stops her and all eyes go to the two guys duelling.

"Way too easy Diggory. Weren't you in the tournament?" Theo shakes his head, surprisingly helping him off the ground in one swift motion and patting his back in a bro-like manner. Theo looks at the line of people, who are watching. "Blue, Weasley, you're next."

"Lets see some other talents of yours, Crowley. Knock me out my socks. Or more..." His eyes glint suggestively.

Rolling her eyes, she stabs him in the side, about to make a witty comeback when she gets interrupted.

"I'll take Weasley." Draco growls, ignoring Sage's questioning eyes on purpose and instead staring down Weasley, a dangerous storm brewing in his grey eyes.

George seems to be unaffected by it and smiles daringly. "What an honour it would be."

Draco's lips purse before he proceeds to the field. His jaw is clenched hard and his knuckles are white from how strong he bawls his hands into fists. A little stronger and his wand would snap in his right one.

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