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"You always impressed me." Daphne confesses sort of shyly, but getting more comfortable around Sage.

She, along with Pansy, Reina, Meave and Sage are getting ready together as a group for the party.

Pansy was not too fond of Daphne being in her room, but Sage told her to suck it up. If its not in her own interest, it should be in Blaise's and since then, Pansy is courteous to the blonde.

It took several hours of Draco holding and assuring her that she is not in fault, which Sage only slowly comes to agree on, and more hours of Pansy convincing her and all the others to go to the party.

Let their brains shut off and forget the shit for one night. Very reluctantly, Sage agreed along with Draco.

The bed is so much more comfortable.

Now that the Bellatrix, Cole Bluebell and Nott Sr. do not buy the stories Draco and Theo tried to sell, Sage is in more danger than believed-a danger that didn't exist two days ago and came out of the blue.

So just in case, they agreed on a code. They might not have a clue what they will do, should, for example, one of them get called, but at least they will figure it out together.

While the other three are wrapped up in their own conversation, doing their makeup, Daphne can talk with Sage undisturbed.

Sage chuckles. "I did?"

"Oh yeah." Daphne laughs. "You are beautiful and confident and strong. Anytime you walked by or when I saw you at the Manor, I thought... damn. Also, you have the three Slytherin boys wrapped around your finger. Draco is a lucky one."

"Im flattered Daphne, but its all just pretend for the most part," Sage is close to the mirror as she outs on some mascara. "Its what I want you to see. I have my flaws, way to many actually."

Daphne shakes her head dubiously. "I dont believe that."

Sage moves over to the other eye. "That's because I'm just good at hiding them."

She can feel Daphne's eyes on her for a beat before she speaks. "Tell me one."

"That would defeat the point now, wouldn't it?" Sage smirks, putting the mascara wand in the tube and screwing it shut. "And let's not pretend that you're not impressive yourself, too. You got yourself one of 'the three Slytherin boys' and you are part of our group, which requires quite the character and endurance. You've come out of your shell more."

"You think so?" Her eyes light up. "Blaise has a lot to do with that. He just-he has a talent for opening up sides of me, that I was scared of, in a way, and embarrassed by. Does that make sense?"

"Oh yeah, Draco did a number on me, let me tell you. Made me deal with my shit, which was great," Sage leans against the bedframe with her knees up and hand sandwiched between her legs. "I think we all evolve a lot at the moment, tough. With the right people, that can be a whole lot easier."

They share a warm smile.

Love can do some things.

"Do you think Pansy will ever warm up to me?" Daphne raises the question.

Sage had no idea she was so aware of Pansy reserve. She never shows it, but is extra kind to Pansy instead. Maybe that is what is setting Pansy off so bad. That bitch can't deal with kindness. It's like you need to spit in her face for her to accept you.

"Don't give me that look," Daphne chides softly. "You know when Pansy Parkinson dislikes you."

"She has warmed up already since christmas." Sage lays open. "Hard shell to crack, but the waiting is worth it. You will have one moment were you will just click, I know it. She didn't like me at first and now she can't live without me."

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