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In the last many months, a lot of changes have taken place in Sage's life.

She had to deal with her past, come to terms with how her life is now, be true to herself and her feelings, but never would she have thought, that she would willingly sit around with her former housemates, drink and actually have a somewhat good time.

It started with just Sage and Draco, who felt like hanging out in the big living room until they would go up to bed. Others like Fred and George and Milo and Cedric thought so too. Then Theo and Blaise came to join and now the whole couch and floor is stuffed with what seems to be everyone in the same age range.

Because of the connections that have formed over their time of living together like they do, the former Death Eater group doesnt feel as exluded as they did in the beginning. Theres obviously Draco and Sage, who have become closer with Milo, Theo has become quite buddy buddy with Cedric and Blaise kind of gets along with everyone, but having his reserve with that.

Some people play cards while others play games like never have I ever. Theo is off in a round of that at the other end of the couch, while Blaise sits by Sage and Draco.

"Love kindles." Blaise says to them as they observe George and Milo interact suspiciously close.

"I would have never thought he would go for George." Draco admits, his arm over her shoulder and fingertips grazing her upper arm. Sage gives him a pointed look by the ridiculing tone he used. "I was not finished. Good for him."

"Yeah, good for them." Blaise agrees mindlessly.

"When being forced to spend a lot of time together, there has got to spark something. Just like it did with us." Sage leans to the side where she sits between his legs, back to his chest, and squeezes Draco's face with thumb on one cheek and the rest of her fingers on the other.

Draco smoothly takes her hand away from his face, brows furrowed slightly. "That is so not the case with us."

"Oh, it totally was." Sage argues back. "Imagine we would have been at Hogwarts at that time or literally anywhere else other than your manor. It would have been way easier to stay away from you."

"You wouldnt have wanted to." Draco says smugly. "I'm irresistable."

"So were my issues." She comes back at him, a scoff passing his lips.

"So what youre saying is-"

He stops talking when a glow of blue light illumiinates the dimly lit room. A few awe's go around the room as a magpie flies through the air. It is followed by another magpie, then a horse, a fox and so many more. The chatter has turned down in volume as wonderous eyes watch the show.

Theo shares an excited look with Sage when his patronus, a wolf, runs around him. Her eyes grow wide with a giggle when it is going over to her- and consequently Draco given their position- and doing the same before bowing his head to her.

"Aww, it likes you." Blaise comments. "Wait, why-why does it go away? What about me?"

"Why would it go to you?" Draco questions.

"I share a bed with him." Blaise reminds and the couple chuckles.

The attention from everyone in the room turns to the big windows, an eerie thunder rolling over the house. Not just today has it been storming heavily. That has been going on for a few days now and there is no sight of ceasing.

Draco's arms readjust themselves aound her stomach to a firmer hold when he feels her body stiff.

"Usually I love this, but not this."

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