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"What happenend?"

Sage and Draco just now entered the Great Hall, which is the designated place for every injured, and also where most of the people defending the school are located during the one hour of armistice.

Blaise and Reina have been hurt it seems like, but not too bad since they sit on a bench laughing with Pansy and Daphne hovering around them. Reina is holding her arm, while Blaise's legs appear weird.

"You're fine, thank god." Pansy pulls Sage into a quick side hug. Pansy has a split lip and is all dirtied up. It is a look for sure for her pristine and chic ass.

Sage is just as relieved to see her friends are alright, well, half of them at least. Sage squeezes Pansy side, her attention still on Reina and Blaise, expecting answers.

"I dislocated my shoulder." Reina reveals, apparently laughing through her pain. How, Sage has no idea.

"And you?" Sage points to Blaise's outstretched legs, that seem indented in the middle. "What happened there?"

"I got hexed. Knee-reversal." Blaise pulls up one leg of his pants to reveal an image Sage wishes to never have seen in the first place.

Something about broken bones and stuff gives her the shivers. Blood is fine, but bones- that is where her stomach turns.

"Was a bitch to get him here in the first place." Pansy snidely remarks.

"Doesnt that hurt? Why are you too laughing like idiots?" She purposely looks at their faces too forget the image.

"Surprisingly, it doesnt hurt. Feels funny. Wanna touch?" Blaise snickers, totally catching on how umcomfortable the sight makes her.

She ignores his offer as to not fuel his amused state. "Why are you untreated?"

"We just got here not too long ago. Pomfrey has her hands full and we're fine right now." Reina says with not even an ounce of uneasiness on her face.

"I can do your shoulder." Draco offers while also getting his wand ready.

"You dont need—"


With only a scrunch of Reina's nose is her shoulder back in place. She rolls it around and swings her arm to make sure it good. "Thanks."

"My tough witch." Pansy goes in to kiss her girlfriend.

Sage quickly flicks her wand to Blaise's fucked up knees to get them right back into place. "Sorry that just- that shit freaked me out there."

Blaise lands his feet flat on the stone floor again, thanking her while doing so.

Sudden loud wails fill the hall and make Sage look over to the Weasley's.

"Fuck." She says under her breath, just like everyone around her.

Fred Weasley is looking way too still for a living being. The whole family is obviously mourning him and immediate tears spring to Sage's eyes. She wasnt close with Fred at all, but she knows the feeling of loosing a sibling all too well.

Just now she realises how many dead and heavily injured people are lying around on the ground. She feels sick. This is all so fucked up.

Just this morning she was in bed cuddling her boyfriend. She knew this wasnt gonnna be pretty but this- this is unforgettable in the worst way possible.

"Is Theo here?" She asks frantically, looking around for his tousled brown locks and broad figure.

"No, honey, he isn't." Pansy says with her head leaned against Reina's shoulder.

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