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"My beautiful fiancee." Draco boasts with his arms stretched up in the air when Sage enters the kitchen, her eyes now looking around in panic that soneone might have heard. "They're all asleep, still."

For the past days Sage and Draco are always the first being down despite having long mornings in bed. So the couple prepares breakfast and by the time they are done about everyone is down.

"So much for keeping it between us." Sage makes her way over to the cutting board.

He wraps his arms around her from behind, speaking into her neck. "It is just us right now and I love calling you that."

No doubt about that. He has been doing it the whole time, only adressing her by fiancee since last night.

She relents into the feeling of his lips pressing warm kisses on her skin, tilting her head a little to the side. "I love the sound of that."

"My gorgeous fiancee." He gently drags his teeth along her skin, creating a trail of goosebumps. He pulls her flush against his chest, settling his chin on her shoulder.

"I love you."

"Hey- I was about to say that." She laughs at how childish he sounds, a kiss being placed on her cheek. "I love you."

A cold feeling takes over when he removes himself from her to continue on making french toast. Sage takes care of the fruits, washing and making them look presentable.

"We should probably get a place soon." Sage mentions, cutting up a melon. "I know Nalani has no problem with us staying at her home, but I want something just for us. Maybe an apartment for starters."

With everything going on after the war, she didnt even think about it and she assumes neither did Draco since he never brought it up.

And it seems like he wont get a word in now as well, because Daphne enters the kitchen, Blaise following behind.

"You have no haste." Blaise tells them. "You can stay for as long as you like. It's always nice to have friends at-"

"Omg. What is that." Daphne squeals, pointing at Sage, who looks down at herself in a panic and finding nothing visibly wrong to her eye.

"What? What is it?"

"Thats why you two left yesterday. You got engaged."

Sage perceptibly pales and blushes at the same time. Now it is clear that Daphne is looking straight at the new ring on her finger.

The fucking ring.



"Oh that-" Sage waves her that hand around like its nothing, getting more confident, "thats another promise ring he gave me."

Draco tries hard to keep the snort in him as she looks at him, almost pleading to confirm that statement, which he doesnt. Blaise does snort, loud. He is already on his way to walk around the kitchen island and take Sage's hand in his to check-out what Daphne is talking about.

"I was wondering when you'd pop the question." He brightly grins to Draco, who is reacting in no way whatsoever to that. Sage shoo's him off, but he remains put next to her, arms crossed over his chest.

Daphne doesnt buy the lie Sage just threw at her. "A promise to marry you, as in, proposing. Having a set date where you strut down the fucking altar to get another 'promise ring', that will bind you two for the rest of your lives."

"It is just a ring. There's nothing about it." Sage continues to sound non-chalant, fully aware of how stupid she sounded just then.

Daphne walks around the island as well, leaning into Blaise's side while glancing at the ring. "Okay, I know an engagement ring when I see one. Why do yo-"

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