hey, hi

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Welcome to better off, a Draco Malfoy love story.

There is lots of fluff, some of it fluffier than your pillow, and no toxic Draco, because I love a guy who knows what he wants.

SimpDraco all the way.

This story does not fully follow the Harry Potter timeline and plot, some things maybe don't make entirely sense. I made it fit according to the storyline I was going for and tried to make it as plausible as possible. In other words, just run with it.

This is me just having fun with it and exploring a new hobby while living my truest obsession—Draco fucking Malfoy.

Characters are aged up one year. This story starts in their last year (seventh) with them being 18.

This right here is a major trigger warning. This story covers a lot of hard topics such as alcohol use, swearing, mentions of trauma and grief, physical pain and so on. Grief is actually a major topic and comes up every other chapter.

SMUT is also included, which is the first time for me writing it, so again, just run with it.

I'm not going to put a trigger warning before every chapter because it takes the surprise away, in my opinion. So, be warned with this.

Ignore any grammar mistakes. Apart from the smaller ones, I have a huge problem differentiating lay and lie.

The characters of the Crowley, Carrington, Koldings and Russo family belong to me. Credit for the rest goes to the author of Harry Potter, Dobby the house-elf.

This story is very dear to my heart. Writing this has helped me through some really hard times and though I am not done yet and I might be editing chapters here and there, I thought I would share what I got so far.

I hope you enjoy it.

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