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Sage wakes up to the morning sun billowing on her face. She blinks her eyes for a few moments, trying to adjust to the harsh brightness.

She prefers the dark, or at least the dimness, thats for sure.

Through the blurriness of just having waked up, she is taken by surprise of Draco next to her. He is much closer than when she fell asleep.

Did he move this morning or already when she had just fallen asleep?

He is leaning with his elbows on his knees, one bouncing. Before she can even dare think of uttering a word he bombards her with questions.

"How are you feeling?

"Are you still cold?"

"Do you need help?"

"What can I do for you?"

"Should I go get Pomfrey?"

Sage grimaces because of the sudden fast talking. "Is that how you wake everyone up?"

His eyes settle on her, relaxed in the chair with the ghost of a cocky smirk. "Usually involves the same amount of tongue, but no talking."

"Putting it to good use then?"

"You tell me if it's good."

"In your dreams."

"Yes," he admits boldly. "And soon in reality."

She all but rolls her eyes.

"You may be stubborn, but you can't resist me much longer."

"Your mouth talks bullshit."

"Say the word and I'll put it to good use."

She sighs and rolls her head to the side. It's too early for... this.

Under that flirting she can see the dark circles and unrested form. Sleeping in a chair. What kind of idiot would do that?

Draco made clear there is more for him, than just being friends, but how sure is he about that? What if he wants to trick her, so that she lets her guard down? But then what? What does he get out of it? Mocking her? A good laugh? Thats not how they are.

What, if she lets her guard down—what if he gets bored after some time?

So fucking confusing. Her head hurts.

A hand comes to rest on her leg over the blanket, trying to gain her attention. "Blossom, how are you feeling?"

She blinks her eyes to focus back into reality, scooting back to lean her back against the pillow. "I'm fine. Tip-top."

So many blankets are on her.

Did he put them on her?

Draco's shoulders relax and Sage kinda feels bad that she had him worrying that much.

Quick feet scurry in direction to her bed and then Pomfrey comes from behind the screen. "My dear, how do you feel? Sleep well?"

Sage gives her a warm smile. "I feel good, thank you again, Madam Pomfrey."

"Alright, let me see," the healer makes a quick check on her pulse, her lips pursing. "Hmm, your blood pressure is not as high as I would like it to be and you still feel very cold. I'll bring you a potion in a minute and have you here until lunch. From then on, I promise I let you go," the woman smiles warmly, then flicks her eyes to Draco for a short second. "I'm sure Mister Malfoy here will be willing to escort you. After all, he seized my nightshift with you."

"I dont think that will be–"

"I would be honoured to escort Miss Crowley," he gives her leg a careful pat, ignoring her stare while flashing Pomfrey a genius smile.

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