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"I cant believe it."

"Well you should."

"No I shouldnt." His strong voice comes from the bathroom, we he gets ready for the first weekly sunday dinner at the Russo's.

"Draco." Sage meets his level of tone, zipping up her skirt.

Earlier, her and Draco have been invited for a visit at his mothers new beach house, spending lunch together and having a nice walk along the beach and little wizards town she is now living in.

The house itself is grand and very much Narcissa. Of course she had to show them the rooms, which will be for her grandchildren. She couldnt help it.

When Draco offered for her to join them on the dinner him and Sage are going to today, Narcissa politely declined and let it slip, that she is going out on a date this evening- with the man she got introduced to at the celebration dinner.

Draco has been nice and polite about it when his mother told him about it. But Sage knew. She knew as soon as they will step foot into their own confinements, where his mother wont hear him, he will break loose.

And she was right.

"No, dont Draco me. How can she do that? A date? She goes on a fucking date. She never went on one with Lucius." Sage opens her mouth to point out the obvious fact why they didnt do that, but he is clearly on a rant here. "And now she goes on a fucking romantic date with a guy named Walace." He pronounces the name like its some sort of disease. "Who the fuck is named Walace. What kind of name is that?" Sage watches him go in and out of the bathroom, getting things he doesn't even need. He just needs to keep moving. "And she better not hope that I will see him as some kind of stepfather. I could literally puke just at the thought of it."

Sage sits down on the bed to put on her shoes, holding back a laugh. "She will not expect that from you. It is only a date, I think you're overreacting here."

Draco is standing at the doorway of the bathroom, rolling up the sleeves of his navy button up shirt.

"How would you know? You never had a mo-" he stops himself, regret letting his blood run cold. Even colder when he sees something shift in her eyes.

"A mother." Sage finishes for him, standing up from her sitting position, brushing down the fabric of her skirt.

"Blossom, I'm-" He takes some steps towards her from the bathroom doorway.

She holds up her hand to stop his apology. He had the thought for a reason. "No, you're right. I never had a mother like that. But what I do have is a woman's mind, which makes me more mature by rule. And maybe also less sexist."

He deserves that dig. Yes.

"Your mother is not out to get you, but simply a woman enjoying life and it's options. And she does have needs, you know." Sage turns to head out, smirking to herself at what that last sentence did to him.

Draco's eyes close, trying to get rid of that information and also not retort something back, because he is not in that kind of position right now.

She is mad at him, somewhat. He is aware that her relationship to her mother doesnt mean anything to her.

That is not problem here.

Its the fact that he needed to bring it up and make her feel smaller because of it. That she wouldnt understand his point of view, when in reality, Sage has the gift of taking everyones position in consideration. He admires that so much about her.

Draco knocks his forehead with the heel of his hand. Maybe that will give him some much needed sense. He sprints down the stairs and finds her checking herself out in the mirror for the last time before leaving.

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