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Sage is woken up by Draco kissing each eyelid of hers gently and she feels an unique sensation run from the base of her spine to her knees. The next kiss is on the tip of her nose, then the corners of her lips.

"You are so precious when you sleep." He says in a sweet tone, putting a brown strand of hair behind her ear.

She groggily rubs her eyes with the heel of her hands. "So you woke me up?" She asks in a hoarse voice and blinks a few times to clear her vision.

He is propped up on his elbow and resting his head on his palm, his finger drawing random shapes on her bare arm. "I got bored."

Her heart flutters.

Her lips tug up gently. "And how can I help with that?"

His eyes glint with admiration. "Talk to me. I love talking with you."

Again, heartfluttering.

Sage ponders for a second as he keeps drawing shapes. "Were going back today. What do you think about that?"

He shakes his head. "Try again."

"What?" She gapes at him. "I just woke up- have a little mercy."

"Come on, you can do better, Blossom."

Now she knows.

"Blossom." She says almost as a demand and he nods apprehensively, his eyes pressing her to go on. "How did you come about that?"

"See? Thats a good one." He smiles amusedly and she scoffs. His hand braids with hers between them. "Alright, I'll tell you, but you cannot laugh, okay."

She gives his hand a squeeze. "I'll be nice."

He sighs, a pure smile forming on his lips and his eyes light up. Sage rubs circles on the back of his hand. "There was this one time, where we were running around with our friends, and I dont know what it was, but all I saw was that beautiful smile. It was so bright and full of joy. I... I couldnt look away. You captivated me."

Like he did on New Years.

His smile reaches from eye to eye, while she feels the heat rush to her cheeks. "And Blossom, because in that moment, I felt this weird sensation in my heart. Like it..." He chuckles quietly. "... like it blossomed. It only made sense, my heart spoke for me and I called you Blossom." He shrugs his shoulders as she looks at him with astonishment. "I knew you were surprised by it. So was I, but I liked the way it sounded. It has truth to it. Anytime I saw you from that moment on, my heart flourished, still does, and you are just Blossom to me." He gives her knuckles a sweet kiss.

This man melts her heart.

Her jaw slacks open. "Draco, that was at the end of our second year."

His eyes widen and brows furrow. "I know. You remember that?"

She puffs out a breath. "Absolutely. It was a few days before your birthday. We played tag or something outside at Hogwarts. You tackled me and that was the first time I heard you call me that."

That day is engraved into her head. She is the only one to ever get a nickname from the Draco Malfoy. It made her feel special. They werent best buddies, never have been, but something about her made him call her that and she would always get excited when he did. That is why it was also the moment these two kept away from each other more drastically. Barely spoke, and if so, just superficial stuff, but not mean. They kept a safe distance and they were fine with it. Still, whenever the situation occured, that he would call her Blossom, she would light up. It would make her whole day.

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