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Amortentia. Sage heard of it the first time in 3rd year.

It was the topic of everyones conversation for weeks. She has been somewhat interested ever since. Would she smell someone? If so, who would it be. She never had a crush on someone. Everything was always just platonic. No attraction was strong enough to make her lose her mind.

That's what she used to think. Used to convince herself of.

Now she has a hunch who it might smell like. She won't deny it, attraction is very much there. Not just physically speaking. And she has problems to keep things platonic with him.

Pansy walks with Sage to potions and past Finn and the other Gryffindor's. Finn shoots Sage one of his nastiest glares, to which Sage rolls her eyes.

"You sure you don't want to switch to our table? Blaise can do it." Pansy asked a little concerned.

"No, that would show weakness. I wont back down because he gives me some eyes. He doesnt even talk to me." Sage shrugs. "Pathetic if you ask me."

"Well then, have fun. I wanna hear what you smelled afterwards," Pansy sends a pointed look while entering the classroom. Rolling her eyes, Sage makes her way over to her table, avoiding talking to anyone.

Seamus and Dean sort of keep away from Sage. They heard about the ending of Finn and hers friendship and are clearly taking Finn's side. Sage would care, if only she doesn't. She never was too close with them anyway.

Professor Slughorn explained how the lesson will procede. That some get picked to tell everyone what they smell left most of the class unnerved. Sage wants to know for sure what she smells. For some peace of mind. Or war of mind for that matter. She does not however, want to say it loud for everyone to hear.

For him to hear.

The class goes about concocting the potion. She is reserved, does her own thing, while her table makes conversation. It is a blessing, honestly, that she can focus on her work completely. Potions has always been her favourite. Its close to cooking, which she loves doing and there is something so satisfying about doing it right.

Right before Sage is done, a loud exploding sound makes her eyes roll. Seamus. Sage is finishing up her mix of liquids and stuff when Slughorn comes to her table to check and help Seamus with clean up. When done with that, he sees Sage has already finished with her potion and walks to the other side of the table to her.

"Ah, Miss Crowley, I see you are done. That makes you the first," the professors hands clasp behind his back, excitement written all over him. "Mind telling me what you are smelling to verify your efforts?"

Since everyone is still working she doesnt mind only telling her professor. Leaning forward, she catches a little whiff and her stomach is doing somersaults. Fuck.

"I smell mint, musky cologne and something sweet," she tells him in a lower tone. Not quiet enough for the heads at her table to perk up. They all wear a knowing look, like they suspected what has now been proven to her.

Sage is attracted to Draco, which is nothing new to her. She knows. But now it is sealed.


"Your potion is a success then. Great work Miss Crowley. Ten points to Gryffindor," Slughorn praises before heading to the front of class. "I see some are done brewing so I would like to begin with a few of you telling us what you smell."

Sage zoned out as soon as her classmates began to list what attracts them. She is just going to ignore her attraction to Draco. She is tired of overthinking it and she definitely won't tell him.

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