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Sage stirs awake when she feels his gentle breath puff against her neck. She turns around to lie on her back with her eyes still closed considering the way too bright light.

The corner of her lips turn upwards. "Admiring again?" She dares to peer through one eye.

His upper body looms over her, which shields her from at least some light, so she slowly opens both her eyes completely.

"Always am." His sexy morning voice sounds while he strokes some hair out of her face. "You look incredibly beautiful in the morning. You always are, but something about the lighting, or you in my bed..."

His mind wanders off there, to which he receives a nudge to the chest. He chuckles and she pulls him to her into a hug, him slithering his arms around her body. His weight, his cologne and his warm chest feel amazing to her light hangover.

"How are you feeling?" Sage asks into the crook of his neck.

"Perfect. Sleeping helped a ton." He mumbles back. "You?"

"Slight headache but it wont last long." She looks around the room over his body and realises that it must be way later than when they woke up yesterday by the way the light shines in. "I'm guessing the others slept in as well." She feels him nod against her.

"Are you hungry?" He asks with his head minimally raised and she shakes her head no. "But I am. Wimpsy."

With a pop the houseelf appears. "Yes Master Draco, what can I do for you?"

"Will you please bring me whatever is left from breakfast." Draco wishes cordially.

"Right away." Wimpsy replies in the same tone.

"Thank you, Wimpsy." He gratefully says and the elf is gone with a snap. Draco turns his head to her again. "Lets get ready, come on." He kisses her cheekbone before pulling her out of the bed with him.

Sage grunts along as goosebumps form from the colder air. He leads them to his bathroom and hands her a toothbrush with her initials pressed into it nonchalantly.

He took her toothbrush and placed it in his room.

"Sneaky." She mumbles under her breath when he lays on the toothpaste and she can see his lips twitch up for a second.

They go about their brushing as he moves to stand behind her with his free arm draped around her torso. She has to keep herself from staring at him through the mirror. That man captivates her in every sense of the way, especially when he is halfnaked and so close to her.

"You are staring." He points out with his mouth full of toothpaste. Her attempts were im vain then, alright.

"Can you blame me?" She asks rhetorically while he bends forward to spit out the toothpaste. She takes her toothbrush out, copying him.

They stand up straight but she turns around, placing a hand on his chest. His hands already have a hold of her waist while they gaze into each others eyes for a moment.

"You're staring." She repeats him. He smiles unbashfully and kisses her lips sweetly.

"Can you blame me." He repeats against her lips.

She pecks his lips and stays in that position to speak as well. "We need to shower."

She sees his eyes turn darker just at the thought of them naked together. "We do." He utters hesitantly so it sounds more like a question.

Sage takes off the shirt she is wearing, leaving her in only her underwear. Before he can ogle at her she kisses him more sensually this time. "Will you join me?"

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