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Sage feels a brush of lips on her temple, so light, she wonders how she even felt it. The matress evens out next to her, so she bats her lashes, despite the desire to close them again. His figure is walking nearly disoriented in direction to the bathroom.

All she can see is his butt. It is the first time she sees it in all its glory and it does not disappoint.

He is halting in the doorway, seeking support with his hand on it as he looks over his shoulder with half closed eyes.

The view is ravishing.

Especially the muscles.

"Are you looking at my ass?" His hoarse morning voice makes it even sexier.

"Very much." She replies in her own rougher morning voice.

He acknowledges that answer and makes his way in, closing the door behind him.

Sage's eyes fall shut several times, but she is past the point of falling asleep again. In less than no time does Draco come back, still very much tired. She holds the sheets up for him to crawl ontop of her. He does so sluggishly, his eyes closed all the while, and the sheets cover them again.

There it is again. The comfortable weight.

They lie in this position for some time, gradually waking up together. His face is burried in her neck as she massages his head.

"How are you doing?"

"Good. Really good." He nuzzles his face deeper into the crook of her neck.

He has not woken up completely yet, like Sage did, so she continues the massaging and the quiet. She is glad, that he is doing better. That little incident will probably forever have a bitter taste to it, but ironically enough, she feels even closer to him, if that is even possible.

His voice and the vibrations it sends through her body, bring her out of her thoughts.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Did you ever feel jealous?"

She almost laughs at how obvious the answer it. "Wasnt Daphne proof enough?"

"That is the only time I noticed." He mumbles against her skin.

"I was, whenever any girl even looked at you." She begins. "Starting in maybe 3rd year, where every girl suddenly fell to your feet." He chuckles at that one. "And from then on it only grew. The number of your admirers, the things you did with them, the bragging you did to Theo and he then told me, or I overheard it." She counts on in a tranquil tone. Draco props himself up beside her, now that he is fully woken up. She does the same whilst she continues. "And that pit in my stomach grew, as well as the urge to rip their fucking heads off."

He bites back a smile. "Funny, sleeping around was my way to compensate and get rid of the s feeling, which never worked."

Hers as well, not all the time, but often enough. She didnt understand why she felt like that. They had nothing to base it on.

It was a cycle.

She takes his hand and plays with his rings, sliding them up and down. "I never liked, that you could make me feel envious of them."

"I didnt like that either. It was confusing and did not help the whole avoiding thing we had going on." He chuckles again.

A cycle she is glad he broke.

She looks at him curiously. "Why did you stop after the summer?"

Yes, he may have been honest with himself since then, but he still could have comtinued on. Have fun or something.

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