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Snow trickles down the sky and put on a fresh layer to the already thick blanket of snow coating trees and fields outside. Some snowflakes hit the glass of the window and melt due to the warmth radiating from the big castle.

The castle in which Sage and Draco modestly have their wedding at.


It was meant to be small. They have said countless of times how they dont need all the jazz. But it escalated quickly.

So they are having their wedding in a castle.

Every person that is somehow involved in the wedding has stayed overnight in one of the many rooms and will for the next night as well.

Its like a whole wedding weekend thing. Which again wasnt anticipated by the couple to be married.


Now its Sage's turn to get all dolled up. Her wedding dress is hanging on a door and Sage cant wait to finally put it on.

Because she prefers the simple things, she doesnt have to get ready that much, but Pansy wants to make times worth along with the other girls.

Sitting in silk robes they did face masks and each others nails, drinking champagne and listen to music the whole time and now Pansy, her maid of honor, is putting on light makeup while the others do their own.

Sage never cares to wear makeup but Pansy insisted that no makeup is most definitely not an option for such a big day. With eyes rolling she compromised on a natural look.

Pansy steps out of the way after doing the finishing touch so Sage can see herself in the mirror, where she leans closer. "What do you think?"

"Looks good, but feels weird." Sage lightly touches her face in various places.

"You'll get used to it." Pansy assures, proudly watching her result with her hands on her bestfriends shoulders. "I cant believe Sage Bluebell is getting married. Are you nervous at all?"

Sage smiles, playing with her rings in her lap. "I'm more excited to see him again. Its almost been a whole day you guys dragged me away from him to the other side of the castle."

"He has been talking about you everytime I came across him, so its safe to say he is excited too." Daphne reveals.

Now Sage definitely cant wait to put on her dress. "How long is there left?"

"Not much- shoot we have to get dressed." Maeve quickly stands up from her cross-legged position on the floor infront of a mirror, the rest of the girls reacting about the same. "We'll be back in ten minutes maybe. Hold tight, Sage. No freakout. And dont leave the room."

But before Sage can respond the door is shut behind the little frantic group. Sage chuckles to herself, drinking something of the champagne and bringing her feet up on the chair to be more comfortable and music still playing lowly.

Marriage. They are entering a new phase in their life. She is going to be a wife. It probably wont be that different, but still. Sage Malfoy. Holy shit. Draco Malfoy is going to be her husband.

That is the type of commitment Sage wouldnt even dream about...

A knock on the door brings her out of her thoughts. Sage furrows her brows. It cant be the girls. They just left.

"Yes?" She slowly gets up from the chair and walks towards the door.


Her heartrate picks up at the sound of his voice. The nickname. Him being here.

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