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All morning, since Sage has woken up, she is feeling conflicted. She is very thankful for Draco's support last night. Being comforted felt weird, but a good weird. Something she could get used to.

Normally she would hate being this vulnerable with someone. Her instinct is to push anyone away that gets too close to her. She would hate if someone saw her crying like she did yesterday.

But Draco made her feel comfortable and understood without even knowing what her cute little breakdown was about. She didnt have to explain. She didnt have to justify. He was just there.

Sage didnt hate Draco seeing her be so vulnerable.

And that is what scares her.

While thinking about all of that stuff, Sage got ready for the day. She, Theo and the rest of the group will make a trip to Hogsmeade. Probably just drinking in the Three Broomsticks.

On their way there Sage trails after the group given her racing mind. Not only is it Draco's behaviour and her feelings about it, but also the aftershock of her breakdown. That cry last night was so hard that she has nothing left of it as of right now. A dessert.  Now she thinks about her past trauma without the urge to cry her soul out again.

She cant decide, which is worse.

Just remembering, reliving or crying.

Shortly before arriving Pansy waits a few steps to be able to walk with Sage, who already knows that she wants to gossip. Pansy wears that kind of look, that sly smile and curious eyes.

"Did you notice Draco being extra cheery in the last few weeks?" Pansy links arms with Sage.

"No, but now that I see him, he does seem happier—a little," Sage holds thumb and index finger at minimal distance. "Maybe he found himself indulging in girls again," she involuntarily grimaces

"What do you mean again?" Pansy turns her head to Sage.

"He told me a little while ago that he waits to 'reach the finish line', as in not sleeping around anymore, I guess. He was very cryptic about it," Sage shrugs, also turning her head.

"And you think he is so happy because he sleeps around again?" Pansy raises a brow at her.

"Yes I would say so. I mean he is Draco Malfoy. How long can he eschew girls in that way?" Sage scrunches her nose, again, involuntarily.

"Longer than you think. I have not seen him with anyone and I know about everything, especially about him," Pansy reminds her. "That look that he always wears is different—determined. Like he knows exactly what he wants and that correlates with what you just said, right? Reaching the finish line, was that?" Pansy theorizes.

"Maybe," Sage says under her breath. 

Draco having a girlfriend soon, if he even insinuated that, left a bitter feeling in Sage's mouth. Just imagining some girl calling him hers leaves her with that bloody twisting feeling in the pit of her stomach.

And Sage scolds herself mentally for hopelessly imagining herself being that girlfriend.

And she scolds herself for not hating it.

They arrive at the Three Broomsticks and Draco parts from the group to buy everyone firewiskey. Blaise bitched about it not being butterbeer, but Draco said if he pays he has to suck it up.

"I was just feeling a little sweet today. Why does he always have to be such a pain in the ass?" Blaise still moans about it while they take their seats.

"Dont complain," Pansy scolds him. "Be happy he pays at all." 

Sage's brows furrow. "But he pays everytime." 

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