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Over the night, Sage watched the swellings on Draco's face go down. He looks more like himself again, only with bruises, that turned blueish-green and some scabs on his nose, cheek and jaw. Still black eyes, both looking at her right now.

She smiles faintly when she sees him wake up. "Hey, Beautiful. How do you feel?"

"Sore." His rough morning voice rasps out. He scrunches up his face as he sits himself more up. "Like, really sore."

"I'll ask Pomfrey for more pain reliever." Sage goes to stand up, but his grip on her hand tightens.

"No, stay here. I can wait." He says surely. Sage complies and sits back down.

"How do I look?" He asks hopefully.

She moves some stray hair from his forehead with her free hand. "Better, but still rough."

"Like in a hot way, or..." He raises his brows in an alluring way.

"Stupid." She shuts him down.

He nods humbled. "I underestimated Koldings. He really did some work on me." He says nearly surprised.

Finn is definetly on something this year. That is, why Sage wanted Draco to leave it in the first place. He is unpredictable at this point.

She sighs. "He did. He has grown himself some balls in the last few months."

He draws random shapes absentmindedly on her palm with his finger. "Lets just hope he has learned a lesson."

Sage isnt fully convinced of that. He will probably come back more angry. To some extend, she gets it. They share the same opinion about the bullshit pureblood propaganda.

Its just stupid.

Plain stupid.

And Sage gets, why he wants to know if she is one of them. Its all just precaution. In this war, trust is much more valuable and his suspicions are not far out of reach under those circumstances. She has never been irritated by that, as she would be careful herself in his position. Its the way he approaches things, that miffs her. Its just corrupt. He acts like he has a right to know, which is clearly not the case. And now even provoking Draco, for what reason she cant comprehend.

Jealous? Maybe, but not really.

Anger? Possibly.

Hate? Definitely.

He always hated Draco's guts.

She watches his finger moving on her palm, feeling the tickling sensation. "You wont get suspended, right?"

"No, I wont. Koldings is a Gryffindor. Im in the clear. He on the other hand not so much."

"Good morning my dears." Pomfrey greets cheerily as she comes closer. "Mister Malfoy, you healed up like expected. It will take maybe the weekend until you are back to normal. I will give you some more pain relievers and you can go back to your dormitry. Free of school for the day to recover, Snape is informed. Sleep is the best solution right now. Miss Bluebell, I will have to go to class. Fridays are only till lunch anyway." Pomfrey hands Sage the vials and leaves to tend to other patients.

Draco wastes no time getting up from the bed with a few grunts, squeezing his eyes shut because of the pain.

"Dont-" She ghosts her hand on his chest. "Draco slow down."

"Even when you didnt sleep a wink you look breathtaking Blossom, but you need to close your pretty eyes more than I do."

Sage does not oppose. She is exhausted and sleep sounds fantastic. She helps him clothe himself back into his previous things and is appalled by the amount of blood, but doesnt show it.

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