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Strolling around at night in summer is one of those nostalgic feelings. It brings a warmth, a certain happiness. It lets you forget all the worries.

But for once in her life, Sage has no worries. She is perfectly content right now around her friends, that somehow became family.

Draco and her walking hand in hand, watching people make memories in bars and restaurants they pass by, just like they did only an hour ago. Music can be heard, changing step by step on their way through the promenade, accompanied by chatter in all kinds of languages.

At some point, with tired feet, all eight reach the mansion from their late dinner. Though the mood is cheery, the sleepiness of the eventful poolday cant be covered. While the rest heads to bed, Sage wanders out onto the terrace.

She wants to see the moon again. It always is a pretty sight to see, especially when it is full moon, like tonight. She feels Draco's hand delicately touch her bare back, thanks to the dress she is wearing. It sends shivers through her, but not because of the constant coldness of his hands.

His arms snake around her from the back until she is pressed against his chest, his chin resting on her shoulder. She leans her head against his, her hands ontop of his.

She could stay like this forever.

"So this is why Theo wanted to talk to you earlier."

"Yes," she smiles at the memory of Theo proposing to Maeve at the end of their dinner out in the town. People cheered for them and they even got a special dessert. "he wanted to ask if it would seem out of place or if its too early."

"Really? You dont believe he is rushing it?"

Sage, completely oblivious to Draco's actual reason of the question, answers. "Absolutely not. Have you seen these two? They are all over each other, completely in love. He wanted to ask her for some time now and I'm happy that he finally did it. They are amazing together."

"They really are." Draco agrees, nuzzling his nose in the crook oof her neck, kissing her skin. His hair tickling her cheek and the feel of his lips make her giggle.

"I know nothing about them." Sage says after a few moments of quiet.

Draco lifts his head, confusion written all over it. "About who?"

"The stars." She simply replies, looking up into the pretty twinkling sky. "All of the bright spots make no sense to me except your constellation I learned in second year. I always look out for it- I dont feel so lost once I find it."

"That was so cheesy." He says, though a warm feeling spread through his chest that he could never get enough of.

She slaps his hand, turning her head to the side to face him. "Shut up. I wasnt trying to be."

He chuckles, placing a kiss on her cheek. "I love you." His head is leaned against hers again, watching the view infront of them. "Lets go inside."

"Are you tired."

"Not enough to not take that dress off of you." He says smiles against her ear, his fingers playing with the fabric of said dress.

Excitement bubbles inside her.

She turns around in his arms, her hands flat on his upper chest. Something playful shines in her eyes. "Wasnt this morning enough? Or the shower after the pool?"

"I think by now you should know that I really-" his hand travels up her bare back, the tought of no bra being under that dress darkening his eyes, "cant get enough of you."

She comes really close to him, his head subconsciously stooping a bit to meet her. Their lips brush when she says, "maybe we should go inside then."

One hand braids with hers as he lands a kiss on her lips. She wouldnt have done it just to tease him.

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