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"Blossom." Kiss.

"Blossom." Kiss.

"Blossom." Kiss.

Tiny whispers and soft gentle lips along her jaw slowly pull Sage into consciousness.

"Youre awake." He whispers gleefully when her eyes flutter open. She wraps her arms around his neck, her legs around his middle and they turn on their sides.

She can make out that the sun is just creeping up to greet the world. A golden hue glows in their room, shining in from the window behind their headboard.

"You woke me up at the crack of dawn?" She yawns.

He pulls his head back so he can see her in the eyes. "I have a question."

She furrows her brows. "Should I be worried?"

"No." He chuckles, caressing her cheek with his thumb, the rest of his fingers behind her ear and eyes not leaving hers. "See, I know how much you love the gloomy weather and all. Youre a bigger sucker for rain and destructive storms than I am, which I thought was not possible."

"They are beautiful arent they?" She sarcastically butts in.

"But what I dont know is your favourite season." He finishes.

She raises both eyebrows at him. "Just to clarify, you woke me up because you wanna know my favourite season?"

"I woke you because I want to talk to you-" peck on her lips, "-and yes, how come I dont know that simple stuff about you. Its like I dont even know you."

"Complete strangers." Sage plays along with his dramatics, giving him a kiss on the tip of his nose. "You didnt lose sleep over this, did you?"

He takes a second too long to reply. "No."

He did.

Her hand finds itself in his messy bedhair, fingers combing through his strands and massaging his scalp. "If you want to know so badly, I like fall the most."

He humms in satisfaction of her actions. "So do I."

She can see in his eyes how much he likes that this is a similarity. "I like how dark it gets and the warm colors. Also, it is so beautiful outside at Hogwarts grounds. The castle itself basically screams fall."

"I wonder what it would look like here with all the trees." He glances outside a window, then back at her and without words they already know.

Someday they might see it.

Someday they might see it in their own home, surrounded by nature and rainy weather.

"Day or night?" He runs his fingers up and down her bare spine under the covers absentmindedly.

"Night, for sure."


Sage thinks for a moment. "It feels like the world stands still and all responsibility is gone. You can literally do whatever and no one is watching. And its dark."

"I get the gist that you prefer the dark stuff."

"You think?" She lifts an eyebrow. "What about you?"

"I like morning the most."

Stupid question. Of course he does. Hes earlier than an early bird. Draco is also the reason Sage has been waking up on time in Hogwarts. And waking up to kisses and touches makes it so much better than an annoying loud alarm.

"No doubt about that. You are the one to wake up before the sun does. I still dont know why or how?"

"It feels tranquil. When I wake up early I can do whatever I want for a few hours, like watch you sleep-"

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